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Air France Flight 4590 - Crash Animation 2 - YouTube

Air France Flight 4590 is an international charter flight from Paris to New York City, at AÃÆ' Â © rospatiale-BAC Concorde. On July 25, 2000, at 16:43 CET, the flight plane (registration F-BTSC) ran on the wreckage on the runway at take-off, blew the tires and pierced the fuel tank; the fire and the engine that occurred later caused the plane to hit the hotel in Gonesse near two minutes after takeoff, killing 109 (100 passengers and nine crew) and four at the hotel, with others in the hotel suffered severe injuries.

The flight was hired by the German company Peter Deilmann Cruises, and passengers were on their way to board the MSÃ, Deutschland cruise ship in New York City for a 16-day voyage to Manta, Ecuador. This is the only fatal Concorde accident during its 27 years of operation history.

Video Air France Flight 4590

Ringkasan acara

The post-crash investigation revealed that the aircraft was at or above the maximum takeoff weight for room temperature and other conditions, and 810 kilograms (1,790 pounds) above the maximum structural weight. When leaving the gate, it is loaded in such a way that the center of gravity is behind the take-off limit. Transfer of fuel during taxiing leaves the wing tank full number five 94%. The 12-inch spacer that usually keeps the main left landing gear aligned is not replaced after recent treatments; However, the French Bureau for Aircraft Accident Investigations concluded that this did not contribute to the accident. The wind at the airport was light and varied that day, and was reported to the cockpit crew as eight pulling knots as they marched on the 26R runway.

Five minutes before the Concorde departs, Continental Airlines DC-10 heading for Newark, New Jersey takes off from the same runway and strips of titanium alloys (part of the engine cowl, identified as wear strip ) is about 435 millimeters ( 17.1 inches) in length, 29 to 34 millimeters (1.1 to 1.3 inches) and 1.4 millimeters (0.055 inches) thick.

During the Concorde takeoff launch, the plane hit the ruins, cut the tire and sent a large piece of tire remnants (4.5 kilograms or 9.9 pounds) to the underside of the plane with an estimated speed of 140 meters per second (310 mph ). While not directly poking one of the fuel tanks, it sends shockwaves of pressure that destroy the number five fuel tank at its weakest point, just above the undercarriage. Fuel leaking out from the underside of the wing is most likely ignited by an electric arc in the landing gear bay or through contact with hot engine parts. One and two engines jump and lose all power, but the engine slowly recovers for the next few seconds. A big fire flourished; the aviation engineer then turns off the two engines in response to the fire warning and captain commands.

Gilles Logelin's air traffic controller noticed the flames before Concorde was in the air, and told the crew. After passing V 1 speed, the crew proceeded to take off, but the aircraft did not get enough speed with the remaining three engines, as damage to the landing room door prevented undercarriage retraction. The plane can not climb or accelerate, and its speed decreases during its short flight. The fire caused damage to the harbor wing, which began to crumble - melted by very high temperatures. Machine number one jumped again, but this time failed to recover. Because of the asymmetrical impulse, the right wing lifted, making the plane more than 100 degrees. The crew reduced the power on the three and four engines in an attempt to equalize the aircraft, but with falling air velocity, they lost control and the plane stalled, crashing into HÃÆ'Â'telissimo Les Relais Bleus Hotel near the airport.

The crew tried to divert to the nearby Paris-Le Bourget airport, but accident investigators claimed that a safe landing, given the flight path of the plane, would be highly unlikely.

When the cockpit voice record transcript (CVR) records it, the last understandable words in the cockpit (translated into English) are:

Co-pilot : "Le Bourget, Le Bourget."
Pilot : "Too late (unclear)."
: "The leader of the fire service, correction, Concorde returns to zero nine in the opposite direction."
Pilot : "No time, no (not clear)."
Co-pilot : "Negative, we tried Le Bourget" (four voice switching).
Co-pilot : "No (not clear)."

Maps Air France Flight 4590


All passengers and crew, and four Hotelissimo hotel employees, were killed in the incident. Most of the passengers were German tourists on their way to New York for a cruise. Cockpit crew consists of Capt. Christian Marty, 54, First Officer Jean Marcot, 50, and Flight Engineer Gilles Jardinaud, 58.

5 Most Famous Engineering Disasters That Left The Engineers in Shame

Concorde in-ground

Until the fall of Air France Flight 4590 in 2000, Concorde SST has been considered among the world's safest aircraft. Concorde collisions contribute to the end of the career plane.

A few days after the accident, all the Concorde were punished, awaiting an investigation into the cause of the accident and possible repairs.

Operation Concorde Air France has become a losing business, but it is claimed that the aircraft remains operational as a matter of national pride; British Airways, however, claimed a profit on its Concorde operation. According to Jock Lowe, a Concorde pilot, to the Air France Flight 4590 crash in Paris, the British Airways Concorde operation generated an average net profit of around Ã,  £ 30 million a year. Commercial services resumed in November 2001 after a security repair service worth  £ 17 million, until the remaining aircraft were retired in 2003.

Concorde Crash From Start To Finish Air France Flight 4590 - YouTube

Accident investigation

Official investigations were conducted by the French accident investigation agency, BEA, and published on January 16, 2002.


The researchers concluded that:

  • The plane was overloaded with 810 kilograms (1,790 pounds) above its maximum safe take-off weight. Any effect on the takeoff performance of overweight is negligible.
  • Upon reaching takeoff speed, the 2nd tire wheel was cut by a strip of metal (strip wear ) lying on the runway, which fell from the thrust reversing door of engine 3 of the Continental Airlines DC-10 which had taken off from the same runway five minutes earlier. This clothing strip was replaced in Tel Aviv, Israel, during C examination on June 11, 2000, and then again in Houston, Texas, on July 9, 2000. The strips installed in Houston were not manufactured or installed in accordance with the procedures as defined by the manufacturer.
  • The plane is flight-worthy and its crew is eligible. The landing wheels that then failed to withdraw did not show any serious problems in the past. Although the crew is being trained and certified, no plans exist for the simultaneous failure of two engines on the runway, as it is considered highly unlikely.
  • Abortion on takeoff will lead to high speed runway cruises and collapse of the landing gear, which will also cause the aircraft to crash.
  • While two machines have problems and one of them is turned off, the damage to the structure of the aircraft is so severe that the accident can not be avoided, even with machines operating normally.

Concorde by davidhdez192

Previous tire events

In November 1981, the US National Transportation Safety Agency sent a letter of concern to the French BEA that incorporated safety recommendations for Concorde. This communique was the result of NTSB's investigation of four Air France Concorde incidents over a 20-month period from July 1979 to February 1981 . The NTSB described the incident as "potentially catastrophic," as they were caused by tires being blown off during takeoff. The NTSB also expressed concern about the lack of an adequate solution on the part of the French, as well as the undue crew's response to the incidents. During its 27 years of operation, Concorde has about 70 tire or wheel incidents, 7 of which cause serious damage to aircraft or potentially catastrophic.

  • June 13, 1979: Tire numbers 5 and 6 exploded on takeoff from Washington Dulles International Airport. Fractions removed from the tire and rim damage the number 2 machine, pierce three fuel tanks, cut off several hydraulic ducts and power lines, and tear a large hole in the top of the wing over the well area of ​​the wheel.
  • July 21, 1979: Another tire incident that exploded during takeoff from Dulles Airport. After the second incident, "the French General Director for civil aviation issued an airworthiness order and Air France issued a Technical Information Update, each calling for a revised procedure.This includes the necessary checks for each wheel and tire for conditions, pressures and temperatures before each In addition, crews are advised that landing gear should not be raised when the wheel/tire problem is suspected. "
  • August 1981: British Airways (BA) aircraft taking off from New York suffered blow-outs, damaging landing gear doors, engines and fuel tanks.
  • November 1985: Ban explodes on BA plane leaving Heathrow, causing damage to landing gear doors and fuel tanks. Two engines were damaged by the accident.
  • January 1988: BA plane leaving Heathrow loses 10 bolts from its landing gear wheel. The fuel tank is perforated.
  • July 1993: Ban exploded on a BA plane on landing at Heathrow, causing great damage to machine number 3, damaging the landing gear and wings, and poking the empty fuel tank.
  • October 1993: Ban erupts on BA plane during a taxi at Heathrow, stabs wings, damages fuel tank and causes major fuel leak.

Because it is a tailed delta wing aircraft, Concorde can not use normal flaps or blades to help take off and land, and requires significantly higher air and tire speeds during the takeoff roll than the average plane. Higher speed increases the risk of tire explosion during takeoff. When the tire explodes, much greater kinetic energy is carried by the resulting chips, increasing the risk of serious damage to the plane. The thicker skin on the underside of the wing can prevent serious damage from exploding tires, but it will add too much load, requiring higher speeds to become air.

Concorde Crash - Air France Flight 4590 | Full Documentary - YouTube

Mods and revival

The accident caused modifications made to Concorde, including safer electrical controls, Kevlar layers to fuel tanks, and specially developed anti-explosive tires. The new style tires will be another contribution to the development of the aircraft in the future.

The Air France Concorde crash still proves to be the beginning of the end for this type. Just before the service resumed, the September 11 attacks occurred, resulting in significant drop in passenger numbers, and contributed to the final end of Concorde flights. Air France suspended flights in May 2003, while British Airways ended its Concorde flight in October 2003.

In June 2010, two groups attempted, unsuccessfully, to revive Concorde for "Legacy" flights in time for the 2012 Olympics. The British group Save Concorde, SCG, and French group Olympus 593 tried to get four Rolls-Royce Olympus machines at Le Bourget Air and Space Museum.

Engo Assignment on emaze

Criminal investigation

The French authorities began a criminal investigation of Continental Airlines, whose plane dropped the debris on the runway, in March 2005, and in September of that year, Henri Perrier, former chief engineer of the Concorde division at AÃÆ' Â © rospatiale at the time of the first test flight in 1969 and program director in the 1980s and early 1990s, placed under formal investigations.

In March 2008, Bernard Farret, a deputy prosecutor in Pontoise, outside Paris, asked the judge to file charges of the massacre of Continental Airlines and two of his employees - John Taylor, a mechanic who replaced used clothing at DC-10, and his manager Stanley Ford - in the way the repair is done. Continental denied the allegations, and claimed in court that it was used as a scapegoat by BEA. The airline claims that Concorde "has been burned when its wheels are on the titanium track, and about 20 first-hand witnesses have confirmed that the plane seems to be burning soon after it launches."

At the same time the allegations were filed against Henri Perrier, head of the Concorde program at AÃÆ' Â © rospatiale, Jacques HÃÆ' Â © Rubel, chief engineer of Concorde, and Claude Frantzen, head of DGAC, regulator of French airlines. It is alleged that Perrier, HÃ © Â ° Rubel and Frantzen know that aircraft fuel tanks can be susceptible to foreign object damage, but still allow it to fly.

The trial took place in Paris court from February to December 2010. Continental Airlines was found to be criminally responsible for the disaster and fined EUR200,000 ($ 271,628) and ordered to pay Air France EUR1 million . Taylor was given a 15 month probation sentence, while Ford, Perrier, HÃÆ' Â © Rubel and Frantzen were acquitted of all charges. The court ruled that the accident was caused by a piece of metal from a Continental jet left on the runway; the object pierces the tire at Concorde and then breaks the fuel tank. The conviction was overturned by France's appeals court in November 2012, thus freeing Continental and Taylor from criminal responsibility.

The Paris Court also ruled that Continental must pay 70% of any compensation claim. Since Air France has paid EUR100 million to the victim's family, Continental may be made to pay its share of the compensation payment. The French appellate court, temporarily canceling a criminal ruling by a Paris court, confirmed a civil ruling and left Continental responsible for a compensation claim.

Air France Concorde flight 4590 takes off with fire: Concorde ...

Alternative theory

British researchers and former French Concorde pilots see two factors that BEA found to be a negligible consequence: unbalanced weight distribution in fuel tanks and loose landing gear. They came to the conclusion that Concorde veered off the lane on the runway, which reduced the speed of takeoff below the minimum limit. John Hutchinson, who has served as a 15-year-old Concorde captain with British Airways, said that "the fire itself should be 'passable, the pilot should be able to fly out of trouble'", have it not for "deadly combinations of operational errors and ' 'by the maintenance department of Air France "which" nobody wants to talk about ".

Concorde has turned close to the Air France Boeing 747 that brought French President Jacques Chirac back from the 26th G8 summit in Okinawa, Japan, which lies well below the runway of the usual Concorde take-off point; then he attacked the metal strip of DC-10.

Concorde lost an important spacer from the main left landing beam that should have been made for the right pivot. This compromises the alignment of the landing gear and the shake of the beams and gears that allow three degrees of movement in any direction. An unbalanced load on the three remaining tires on the left leg attenuates the landing gear, with a four-tire abrasion mark on the runway indicating that the plane was turning left. Air France found that its maintenance staff did not replace or update the spacer, which was found in the workshop after the accident.

Air France Flight 4590 / Concorde


One monument to honor the accident victim was set up in Gonesse. Gonesse Monument consists of a piece of transparent glass with a piece of airplane wings that jut. Another monument, a 6,000 square meter topiary memorial in the form of Concorde, was founded in 2006 in Mitry-Mory.

FS2004/FSX - Up In Flames (Air France Flight 4590) - YouTube

In popular culture

  • The time frame and cause of the accident are profiled in the inaugural episode of the National Geographic movie series' Seconds of Disaster .
  • NBC aired the NBC Dateline documentary of the accident, its cause and inheritance February 22 2009.
  • Line 4 and the Canadian Discovery Channel display a documentary called Concorde Last Flight .
  • The Smithsonian Channel aired the 90-minute documentary Concorde: Flying Supersonic in 2010.
  • The previous fall plane has been used in the filming of The Concorde... Airport '79 .
  • The following accidents and investigations are featured in the 13th documentary series Mayday (also known as Air Crash Investigation ) titled "Concorde: Up In Flames", first broadcast in January 2015.

Air France Flight 4590 â€



The accident on 25 July 2000 at La Patte d'Oie in Gonesse (95) to Concorde registered F-BTSC operated by Air France (REPORT REPORT f-sc000725a) < span> (PDF) , BEA

Concorde Disaster Air France Flight 4590 25 July 2000 - YouTube

External links

  • Bureau d'EnquÃÆ'ªtes et d'Analyses pour la SÃÆ'Â © curitÃÆ'Â © de l'Aviation Civile
    • "An accident on 25 July 2000 at" La Patte d'oie "in Gonesse."
      • Final report (PDF)
    • "Survenu accident le 25 juillet 2000 au lieu-dit" La Patte d'oie "ÃÆ' Gonesse."
      • Initial report (in French) (PDF, Archive), published September 1, 2000.
      • Temporary report (in French) (PDF, Archive), published December 15, 2000.
      • Temporary report 2 (in French) (PDF, Archive), published July 23, 2001.
      • The final report (in French) (PDF, Archive), published January 16, 2002 - the French version is a record report.
  • PlaneCrashInfo.Com - Data Entry on Flight 4590
  • Description of the crash in the Aviation Safety Network
  • Observers - this article mentions other contributing factors
  • Disaster, CBS News
  • CVR transcript
  • All 109 Aboard Dead in Concorde Crash into Hotel Near Paris; 4 In Ground Dead - CNN
  • - The Uncovered Story of Concorde Disasters (2012-12-09)
  • Security Recommendations (PDF) , Washington, DC: National Transportation Safety Board, 9 November 1981, archived from original (PDF) on August 26, 2009
  • "Concorde Accident & Fatal Accidents". Archived from the original on November 19, 2008 . Retrieved 2 Mar 2010 Source of the article : Wikipedia
