Canarsie ( k? - NAR -see ) is work and middle - class residential and commercial environment in the southeastern part of the Brooklyn borough, in New York City, USA.
Canarsie is bordered on the east by Fresh Creek Basin, East 108th Street, and BMT Canarsie Line (train L ); on the north by Linden Boulevard; on the west by Remsen Avenue to Ralph Avenue and Paerdegat Basin; and to the south by Jamaica Bay. It is adjacent to East Flatbush, Flatlands, Mill Basin, Bergen Beach, and the New York East neighborhood.
This area is part of the 18 Brooklyn Community Council. The city is patrolled by the 69th NYPD Police Station. Canarsie is also served by Engine 257, Ladder 170 from FDNY, and Station 58 from the FDNY EMS Bureau.
Video Canarsie, Brooklyn
"Canarsie" is an adaptation of English phonology of a word in Lenape to "fenced land" or "fortress". Europeans often refer to indigenous people living in areas with local names, although it is unclear whether the name "Canarsie" originally referred to all of their ancestral lands, or whether it refers only to a "fenced village". References can be found in contemporary documents for "Canarsie Indians" (or "Canarsee"). Their names have also been transcribed as "Connarie See" (name for Jamaica Bay), "Conorasset", "Canarisse", "Canaryssen", "Canause", "Canarisea", and "Kanarsingh". The village itself is referred to as "Keskachauge" or "Kestateuw", or transcribed as "Castateuw". After European settlement, the area became known as "Flatlands Neck", "Vischers Hook", and "Great Neck".
"By the way Canarsie" became a mid-20th century English English meaning "to come to a person's destination by way of a roundabout or from a distant point." Expression has come down from modern general terms.
Canarsie is described as "the gag gag of vaudeville" in the 1939 WPA Guide to New York City. The New York Times article in 1955 characterized Canarsie as a former "vaudeville man".
Maps Canarsie, Brooklyn
Canarsie is bordered on the east by Fresh Creek Basin and 108th Street of Williams Avenue; on the north by Linden Boulevard or Bay Ridge Branch; on the west by Ralph Avenue; in the southwest by Paerdegat Basin; and to the southeast with Belt Parkway and Jamaica Bay. It is adjacent to the East Flatbush neighborhood in the northwest, Flatlands to the west, Bergen Beach to the southwest, Brownsville to the north, and Spring Creek to the northeast.
Prior to the European settlement, Canarsie only featured large plots of plateau along the Jamaican Bay coast within the town of Flatlands. The islands of the bay, such as Bergen, Mill, and Barren Islands, mostly feature swampy fields with small pieces of the plateau. In the 19th century, several seaports along the coast were built for limited industrial use. The beach was more modified in the early 20th century, when more than 1 mile (1.6 km) of coastline was filled with insulation.
Initial history
The coastal land around Jamaica Bay, including Canarsie at the moment, was originally inhabited by the Canarsie Indians. The neighborhood where Canarsie is today is one of the main villages of the Canarsie tribe. They may live near the intersection of Seaview and Remsen Avenue at the moment. Cornfields grew from the coast to the mainland like Avenue J, and centered around East 92nd Street. The Canarsie Indians planted corn in three flats in the area. Until the late 1930s, a "large shell pile" could be found on the site. This shell may serve as a cultivation field.
In 1624, the Dutch Republic incorporated much of New York City's current territory to the New Dutch colony. In 1636, when the Dutch expanded out of present-day Manhattan, Dutch settlers established the town of Achtervelt (later Amersfoort, then the Flatlands) and bought 15,000 hectares (6,100 ha) around Jamaica Bay. Amersfoort is centered around the current crossroads of Flatbush Avenue and Flatlands Avenue. Canarsie Indian leaders have signed three land agreements with Dutch settlers between 1636 and 1667, surrendering ownership of most of their historical land to the Netherlands. Many tribal members began to move, and Dutch settlers rented cornfields that were once belonged to the Indians. Most of the remaining land is located in the Canarsie neighborhood today. The first European settler in the area was Pieter Claesen Wyckoff, a former contract coolie who built a house in the Flatlands around 1652. The Wyckoff house still stands along Clarendon Street, and is believed to be the oldest building in New York State.
In 1660, now Canarsie Point was named Vischers Hook ("fishing hook"). His name is called Hoorn, a Dutch fisherman who built a house in that location. At that time, a group of islands extends to the Jamaican Bay south of Canarsie, up to and including Barren Island.
The Indians still manage the land in Canarsie until the British take over New Amsterdam. In 1665, the Canarsie Indians signed a land treaty which gave total ownership of almost all of their lands to the Netherlands. By the time the land agreement was signed, only three Native American families lived in the area. In 1670, Daniel Denton, one of the founders of the nearby Jamaican town, wrote: "It must be admired how strange they experience the decline of the Hand of God [...] since since my time, when there were six cities, they were reduced to two small villages." Through 1684, the Dutch and Native Americans have signed twenty-two actions on the sale of different lands in the Flatlands. At the beginning of the 18th century, the only Canarsie Indians living in the New York City area were a few small groups in the town of Canarsie, as well as in Gerritsen Beach and Staten Island. By this time, their ancestral land in Canarsie had been fragmented and sold to different settlers. Several plots were then combined to create large plantation-style plantations. An observer noted in 1832 that "the Canarsian Indians at this moment are completely extinct, no one member of that ill-fated race exists." However, some members still remain, albeit through a mixed lineage. Joel Skidmore, the last member of the tribe through his mother's side, was a tax collector from the Flatlands town who lived in Canarsie until he died in 1907.
The towns of Flatbush and Flatlands put the claims that compete to the west coast of Fresh Creek, in Canarsie at this time. A 1685 confirmation of the Flatlands' boundaries does not recognize a small patch of this land; instead, this land is classified as part of the New Lot, then the Flatbush division. This dispute continued into the 19th century, as seen by maps from 1797 and 1873. During this time, Canarsie remained sparsely populated. In the 1852 map, Jeremiah Schenck and James Schenck were listed as two landowners at Canarsie Point. They each have 50 hectares (20 ha) of land. The only road in the area is what will become the Rockaway Parkway. The only way to Canarsie is by catching the train to Jamaica and transferring to the postcart, where passengers will survive the "long and uncomfortable journey" through the swamp forest traversed by the road.
Seaside resort
The Brooklyn and Rockaway Beach trains, which opened on 21 October 1865, offer rail services from Long Island Rail Road at East New York station to the pier at Canarsie Landing, very close to the current Rockaway Parkway and Belt Parkway junctions. The railroad built a pier that stretched into the Jamaican Bay, which was used for wood shipping and then enlarged. Less than a year later, in the summer of 1866, trains began operating ferries to Rockaway Beach, marking the start of the transformation of the area into a summer beach resort. That year, there are ten round trips every day along the Canarsie rail, but only three on the Rockaway ferry, so travelers traveling to Rockaways via rail and ferry often stay at Canarsie Landing for a few hours. The rail service increased in 1867, with trains running hourly on weekdays and every half hour on Sundays; the railway handles 122,567 passengers that year.
Five hotels soon opened on Canarsie beach, beginning with Bay View House in July 1867. In addition, restaurants and salons began operations along Canarsie Landing. An 1867 account of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle correspondent states that there are two railroad lines: the Canarsie steam doll, which only runs to East New York, and the Nostrand Avenue Line, which links to another streetcar line that runs in Brooklyn. The correspondent wrote that "this hotel has plenty of hotel accommodation for passengers or regular visitors, and all it needs is a good road along the beach for a walk and drive." The following year, an article from Eagle noted that although Canarsie still has a reputation as a fishing village, it "will be very protected as soon as people get the means to go there". German, Dutch, Scottish and Irish settlers began moving to Canarsie in large numbers during the 1870s.
The ferry service is rare because any increase to the ferry service will require a new boat, and to do that, Jamaica Bay will need to be dredged at very high cost. At that time, the bay was several inches deep at low tide, and a narrow, 5.5-to-7-foot-deep (1.7 to 2.1 m) channel stretched across the bay. The Canarsie Line uses steamers, which can take a round trip within two hours and navigate the bay at low tide. During its early history, the route used steamers with a capacity of 250 passengers; the ships then have a larger capacity. In 1878, there were two proposals to create more frequent transportation services between Canarsie and Rockaways, but not implemented. One proposal involved the extension of the railroads into the Jamaican Bay to shorten ferry travel, while others involved building a narrow rail running to Broad Channel, Queens. That year, a rectangular peninsula extends into the bay. In 1880, New York, Woodhaven, and Rockaway Railroad built a bridge across the bay and began operating services on it. White's Iron Steamboats, which sailed from Manhattan directly to Rockaways, began operation two years later. Although there are two competitors, the Canarsie train sees sustainable patronage healthy as many passengers want to go to Canarsie themselves.
The success of the Canarsie railway and the various activities available at Canarsie Point contributed to the prosperity of the area. In the late 1860s, boat rental companies opened in Canarsie, and by 1880, there were ten such companies, with each company owning 50 average boats. Rentals range from $ 5 to $ 7 on weekdays, and start at $ 7 to $ 10 on weekends. A newspaper article in 1882 observed that after traveling to Canarsie "through a country territory that looked like a green velvet lawn", visitors can rent a yacht or paddle boat, or just breathe in fresh air. In 1883, a large two-storey barge for theater and music performances, called the "Floating Pavilion", permanently anchored 0.75 miles (1.21 km) from the Canarsie beach. The depth of the bay is only as deep as 4 feet (1.2 m) at this point, making it suitable for bathing. A 50 foot (15 m) stage is extended to the water for the players, while the baths are placed at the lower levels of the barge. Steamship Edith Peck regularly travels between beaches and barges. Summer bungalows are also built along the bay beaches, especially in the east of Canarsie Landing in an area called Bay of Sand. Because the soil is submerged during low tide, many of these houses are built on stilts. Electric lighting was installed in 1892 in an attempt to attract visitors at night as well.
Canarsie also grew into a fishing center at the end of the 19th century. By 1850, there were 75 fishermen in the Flatlands, compared to 191 others working in agriculture. In 1880, there were 200 fishermen in the Flatlands, of which about 90% lived in Canarsie. In an 1865 account, The New York Times describes a fishing village as an independent community that is "a place for fishing, and one of the best near to town". The shipbuilding also became popular: the number of boat builders in Canarsie grew from one in 1868 to eight in 1887. Most of the boats built in Canarsie are small rowboats, but some of them are large boats. A 1900 magazine article describes the shores of Canarsie Bay as "a swamp of grassy meadows imprinted with shallow niches and adorned with boat huts, fisherman's lodges, and ship-building shacks perched high and dry in wooden piles. " Visitors can rent a rowing boat and catch fish at Ruffle Bar or other locations in Jamaica Bay. If these visitors have enough money, they can hire a large lifeboat and head out to the open sea for fishing.
Fishing and entertainment surprise
At the beginning of the 20th century, Canarsie is a bustling entertainment district. Of the 50 buildings along the bay of Canarsie bay, eighteen is the hotel. Three ferry systems operated the route to Bergen Island, Barren Island, Rockaway Beach, and other destinations in Jamaica Bay. The fourth will start operating in 1915, but closed in 1918 after several unfavorable seasons.
The Canarsie line faced a sharp decline in patronage in 1895, when the trolley service often began operating into Coney Island. The line, which has operated a fleet of at least 10 ships throughout its existence, ceased operations in 1905. The Canarsie Railroad, a subsidiary of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company, acquired Brooklyn and Rockaway Beach north of the Rockaway Parkway on May 31, 1906. The BRT then announced that they will build an elevated railway line to Canarsie. This prompted speculation of rapid real estate developments in Canarsie. Residents began to build water pipes and sewers, and paved the way, to anticipate these new developments. The south route of Rockaway Parkway becomes the electric trolley shuttle route.
The 25-hectare Golden City Amusement Park (10 hectares) opened in May 1907 at what is now Seaview Avenue, near Canarsie Pier. The owner hopes that the five cent fare from Canarsie Railroad will attract riders who should pay 10 cents to go to the Coney Island entertainment area. Golden City costs $ 1 million to build and includes miniature trains, ballroom, roller skating arena, and roller coaster. There is also a 300-foot (91 m) beachfront balcony and a 2,500-seat theater with 7,000 electric lights. The buildings were decorated with silver and gold. Part of Golden City's appeal is easily accessible from Manhattan through the upgrades. In August of that year, Gold Town Construction was leased to the Canarsie Entertainment Company, which plans to make the park one of the largest in the world. In 1909, the park was badly damaged by a fire, which also destroyed two hotels. The park was completely rebuilt for the next season.
Carousel Murphy was made in 1912 by Stein and Goldstein Artistic Carousell Company in Brooklyn and installed in Golden City Park. A writer for The New York Times later noted that "the horses were carved in Coney Island style, which avoided the appearance of tame and prancing horses and produced more muscular, malignant creatures with teeth and heads open, often raised. "
After the end of World War I, the New York City Dock Department began renting a pier along the Canarsie coasts. These columns are converted into summer vacation homes, sidewalks, industrial buildings, railroads, and piers, among other destinations. Some of the docks are used by boat yard, clubs, and builders, while other docks are rented for the expansion of Golden City Park.
Fishing and entertainment decline
In the 20th century, the fishing industry began to decline, because pollution pollutes the oyster that occupies the bay. Shellfish at the bay began to show signs of chemical contamination in 1904, when a typhoid fever epidemic was associated with a clamshell capture in Inwood, New York, another town on the Jamaica Bay coast. In 1912, a typhoid outbreak in Upstate Goshen, New York, was associated with a banquet where the Jamaican Bay oysters were served. In 1915, Canarsie himself was affected when 27 residents were exposed to typhoid from the shells' catch that year. 100 cases of other gastroenteritis traced to the capture of shells that year. In 1917, an estimated 50,000,000 US gallons (190,000,000 L) of waste per day were discharged into the bay. The entire industry closed in 1921 because too many shellfish populations had been infected.
The coastline was further altered in 1926 through the construction of Canarsie Pier, a 250-meter dock (230 m) with a base of 300 yards (270 m). The jetty was built as part of a larger improvement project for Jamaica Bay, where the channel is dredged in an effort to turn the bay into a large port. This is related to improvement projects at Mill and Barren Islands. It is bringing new industrial tenants along the Jamaica Bay coast, including asphalt companies and construction companies. The first industrial exports of Canarsie Pier, a 500-tonne scrap iron shipment, departed in 1933. Planners also wanted to drive the Bay Ridge Road Branch of the Long Island Rail in the south to the Flatlands, with two branches to Canarsie and Mill Basin. In January 1931, the New York City Council estimated plans to build railroads on both sides of Paerdegat Basin, connecting LIRR to Canarsie Pier in the east and to Floyd Bennett Field to the west. In the end, Robert Moses, New York City Park Commissioner at the time, did not approve of the project. He moved to turn the bay into a city park instead.
The Canarsie Railroad was converted into a Canarsie subway line in 1928, providing direct access to Manhattan. After the subway line opened, officials began calling for a new ferry service between Canarsie and Rockaway Beach. The subway line is also meant to help improve access to the proposed port, even though the port is ultimately not built. The area remained a relatively remote post throughout the 1920s. The southern Italian immigrants, along with the Jews, soon settled in the area.
Golden City was badly damaged by another fire in January 1934, which destroyed fifteen buildings and caused damage of $ 60,000. This time, the amusement park operator decided not to rebuild, and the area spent his last days as a boat dock. In 1938, the city moved to acquire Golden City land, as well as repair the waste disposal facility in Canarsie. The hope is that the new Belt Parkway will attract drivers to the Golden City from across the metropolitan area. This is not the case, especially since Robert Moses wants to build a parkway through amusement parks. Golden City was destroyed in 1939 to pave the way for Belt Parkway. In the spring of 1940, when the Belt Parkway was built in the area, the carousel was moved to Baldwin, on the border with Freeport, on Long Island. The Works Progress Administration, along with the Department of Parks and Townhouses, built a recreation building at Canarsie Pier in 1941.
The ferry service at the Canarsie pier also withered after the opening of the Marine Parkway-Gil Hodges Memorial Bridge in 1937, linking Brooklyn to Rockaways directly. In 1939, the WPA Guide to New York City mentioned that Canarsie is "a sparsely populated community located in a desolate lowland". The Guide further describes a burnt-out amusement park, dilapidated huts, and "lots of grass and small Canarsie truck farms cultivated by Italians". The book states that the rider on the Canarsie Pier trolley can see "a great foul smell and swamp" interspersed between "unkempt homes of broken homes" so the trolley route unites. Until 1939, dozens of used trolley cars from around the city were thrown into a 7 hectare (2.8 ha) and 35 foot (11 m) lake in Canarsie. The Canarsie Pier trolley route was discontinued in 1942 and replaced by the B42 tram route (then bus), despite protests from residents. The long-time trolley of Canarsie Pier is abandoned.
In 1940, plans for a 14,000-seat arena in Canarsie were submitted. This arena did not seem to have been built for decades, because in 1974, many Canarsians announced their opposition to the proposed 15,000 seats in Brooklyn. One of the proposed sites of the arena was in Canarsie.
In 1941, the city announced that a new sewage plant would be built in Canarsie to reduce the amount of raw waste that would occur in Jamaica Bay.
Housing development
Canarsie sees only large housing developments after World War II. Most of the residential buildings in the area were built from the post-war era until the 1970s. The Marshlands in the area are filled. Due to the huge shortage of housing in New York City after the war, the city announced the construction of more than a thousand Quonset huts for veterans along the Jamaica Bay coast. The first cottage was sent in February 1946, and they were ready to be occupied in June of that year.
Beginning in the 1950s, a series of suburban seaside communities were thriving in south-east Brooklyn, including Bergen Beach, Canarsie and Mill Basin. Most of the new residents are white people who move from neighborhoods such as East New York and Brownsville, which get more blacks. In August 1951, work began at Breukelen House, 1,600 units of New York City Housing housing between East 103rd and East 105th Streets. The development was completed in October 1952. The Bayview Houses, another NYCHA development, began construction in 1954 and opened in 1955. The final NYCHA development includes a shopping center.
The houses are also built by private developers, but due to zoning laws, this residence is limited to two levels. There are still many empty ones, but they are growing very fast at that time. Some of the many along the coast of Paerdegat Basin still have not developed until the 1960s. One plot, in particular, should be the construction of public housing for lower and middle class families. However, the plot was privately owned, and residents of nearby houses wanted to see private developers build two-storey middle-class houses at the site. The plot eventually became a medium-sized housing construction with units for 6,000 families, built by the city under the Mitchell-Lama Housing Program.
In conjunction with these developments, the federal and municipal governments each gave hundreds of thousands of money to repair parks and beaches in Canarsie. The New York Times predicts that Canarsie could become the next "Jones Beach", a seaside resort. It is expected that there will be 5,000 school-aged children living in Canarsie, so public schools and parishes are also expanded. From 1950 to 1955, the population of Canarsie grew from 3,500 to 4,500. In 1963, a new 69th building of the New York City Police Department had to be built to accommodate population growth. Many young families moved to Canarsie, and Canarsie High School was built to deal with new arrivals. Canarsie High School opened in 1964.
The city proposed the construction of the Flatlands Industrial Park, an industrial park, in Canarsie in 1959. The city took over the project after previous attempts by private developers had been canceled in 1958 due to lack of tenants. The industrial park will be located on a plot of 93 acres (38 hectares) between 99th East and 108th Street between Farragut Road and Long Island Rail Road. Land clearance was granted in 1962. East Brooklyn residents wanted to see the educational complex on the site, arguing that not building an educational complex would extend the traditional school splits in Eastern Brooklyn. The New York City City Planning Department approved the plan in 1965. The city added 6.5 hectares of land to the proposed industrial estate by removing plans for side roads that should be run through the area. This delay inhibits development for nine years: in March 1966, an aide to Mayor John Lindsay reported that "none of the dirt" had been dug on site. Project development began in the summer of 1966, and when the Flatlands Industrial Park opened in 1969, the city became the first publicly sponsored industrial complex.
Other developments in Canarsie around this time include downtown Starrett City to the east of Fresh Creek. The complex is located east of Fresh Creek between Belt Parkway and Vandalia Avenue. In 1962, Thompson-Starrett Co. based in California bought 130 hectares (53 ha) of land, in which they proposed to build apartment buildings. However, this does not happen because of lack of funds, and land sold to a consortium of investors. The project's new developers are a joint venture by Starrett Corporation and National Kinney Corporation, which renamed the project "Starrett City". In 1967, the United Housing Foundation (UHF) announced plans to build a residential development with a resemblance to Co-op City in the Bronx. The UHF left the project in 1972, when part time from Starrett City was built. Starrett City was dedicated in October 1974, and the first population began to move at the end of the year. At the time of opening, it has 5,881 units in 46 buildings eleven to twenty floors.
Racial tension and increasing black population
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, white parents protested the efforts of the New York City Department of Education to degrade District 18, which consisted of schools in Canarsie and East Flatbush, by "busing" minority students to school Canarsie. Many minority students are students of the predominantly black Brownsville, which confines Canarsie to the north but resides in different school districts. Racial tensions began in 1964, when NYCDOE sent some Brownsville students to Canarsie High School. In 1969, a fight between white students and black students at Canarsie High School caused the school to close for three days. The South Shore High School opened in 1970, albeit in a physically incomplete state: many rooms have no furniture, waterways, or public announcement systems until the middle of the school year. Major conflicts between white and black students occurred in September 1970 and April 1971. At the end of the first year, the principal resigned, and a coalition called "Friends of South Shore" was formed to protest the lack of resources or opportunities available. at the school.
The academic year 1972-1973 was a tumultuous year for Canarsie. On September 12, 1972, the first day of the school year, District 18 officials refused to register about 90 students from Brownsville to I.S. 285, school at East Flatbush. This change occurs after I.S. 285 has enrolled Brownsville students for several years. Brownsville's parents have been hesitant to enroll their students to schools in Canarsie because there is a big contest there. In early October, these students still could not start school. On October 14, NYCDOE came up with a solution about about 40 of these students: send eleven to I.S. 285, and list the rest in I.S. 211 in Canarsie. (The number of Brownsville students enrolled in I.S. 211 is given as diverse as 29 or 31. The number then goes up to 32.) In response, on October 17, hundreds of white parents from Canarsie appeared to protest outside I.S. 211 and I.S. 267. They announce their intention to continue protesting unless the black students are reassigned to another school. Due to the protests of parents blocking the entrance of these schools, the schools were closed for the rest of the day. The protest lasted for three days until NYCDOE threatened a subpoena against the old man.
NYCDOE failed to try to mediate the compromise between parents in Brownsville and Canarsie. On October 24, 1972, NYCDOE Chair Harvey B. Scribner withdrew registration for Brownsville students who would go to I.S. 211. Brownsville's parents bring their students to I.S. 211 the next day and started protesting outside the school. On October 26, NYCDOE reversed Scribner's order, re-enrolling black students from Brownsville. On the same day, a police officer escorted 28 Brownsville students to their first day of class at I.S. 211, amid a crowd of more than 1,000 protesters. Of the 10,000 students enrolled in Canarsie public schools, only 850 attend school on October 26. Due to low attendance, six Canarsie schools were closed for the day. On November 1, the fifth day of the boycott, the number of protesters has subsided, but the boycott is still ongoing. The boycott was violated on November 10, twelve days after it started. As part of the requirement to end the boycott, a new zoning plan for the area is ordered. The new plan, released on December 6, is also controversial as it involves the rezonation of many black students. The second new plan was then ordered. Many Canarsie parents, who complained that it took too long to create a new zoning plan, started a second boycotts on March 1, 1973. This boycott spread to schools in Mill Basin, but a similar one in Gravesend did not work. The boycott ended on April 1, after parents agreed to almost agree to ban more Brownsville students enrolling at Canarsie school. Registered students are allowed to stay until they graduate. In total, white students boycotted their school for seven weeks in the academic year 1972-1973. In 1978, the NYCDOE integration plan was tentatively approved by the state. Black students from Brownsville can enroll in Canarsie schools as long as they do not become the majority of the student population there.
Of the 80,000 Canarsies in 1972, about 2.5% were black. The black population of Canarsie is largely concentrated on the development of NYCHA, which is integrated with separate houses throughout the neighborhood. The conflict was compared to the Little Rock Nine controversy in 1957, where presidential intervention was needed to integrate nine black students into a white-majority school. One writer describes the Canarsie school conflict as a time when the white people felt that "things started to go awry". The conflict marked the beginning of the white Canarsie shift from liberalism to conservatism. In 1978, Canarsie was characterized as "a Jewish and conservative Jewish middle-class section in Brooklyn". The elected leadership of District 18 is ethnically disproportionate to the student body: in 1983, most of the District 18 members were white, although 75% of the district students were black. This disproportionate representation continued until 1994, when members of the largely white Districts were opposed to plans to split some schools into nearby districts to increase the proportion of black votes in both districts. The plan was later canceled.
In 1989, construction began at Seaview Estates condominiums. The project is characterized as the first major new housing development for Canarsie in decades.
In the 1980s, the white population of Canarsie began to move away, and blacks began to move. From 1980 to 1990, the proportion of the white Canarsie population fell from 90% to 75%. Many whites of Canarsie went to the outskirts of Staten Island, Queens, east of Long Island, and New Jersey, part of a national phenomenon called "white flights". This culminated in a spate of racial conflicts in 1991, in which 14 biased-racial incidents were recorded within a month and a half. These incidents were committed by blacks against whites, and by white people against blacks. The black population of Canarsie increased from 10% in 1990 to 60% in 2000, with most new inhabitants being Caribbean and West Indian immigrants. In 2010, the neighborhood was 78% black, and between 47% and 60% of the total population were immigrants from the Caribbean.
The sub-prime mortgage crisis of the late 2000s affected postcode 11236, which included Canarsie and the Flatlands, more than any other neighborhood in the city. The area has 1,930 subprime mortgages, mostly from any urban environment; Twelve percent face a foreclosure process. During Hurricane Sandy in October 2012, the basement of many houses in Canarsie was flooded. As of June 2013, more than 10% of residential buildings in Canarsie post code, 11236, are being confiscated. After Hurricane Sandy, the Federal Emergency Management Agency began redrawing the flood risk map in New York City to account for climate change. The original flood map in 1983 branded 26 buildings under the FEMA "flood zone", but a new flood map proposed a total increase of up to 5,000 buildings. Many homeowners refuse maps because they can not afford flood insurance if they are re-broadcast under the FEMA flood zone.
Canarsie is characterized as a middle-class work environment. Canarsie's residence consists mostly of one and two family homes. Most of the houses are separate, unlike elsewhere in Brooklyn where townhouses are more common. The houses between East 105th and East 108th Streets usually have a backyard, while large houses dating from the 1910s and 1920s can be found north of Flatlands Avenue. Eastern Canarsie tends to have denser housing concentrations than western Canarsie, whereas environmental centers have a very dense development. There are two major public housing developments, Breuckelen House and Bayview House, both operated by the New York City Housing Authority. Canarsie also contains a gated community, the Seaview Estates condominium complex, which has five buildings as well as a tennis court and its own swimming pool.
Brooklyn Community Board 18, which includes Canarsie and Flatlands, has a poverty rate of 10%, lower than the overall urban poverty rate of 20%, and a 60% homeownership rate, higher than the overall 30% of the city's homeownership rate.
Places of interest
There are two shopping centers in Canarsie. One of them is Canarsie Plaza, located on Avenue D. Opened in 2011, this mall has 278,000 square feet (25,800m 2 ) retail space. The Brooklyn Terminal Market is located adjacent to Canarsie Plaza, and sells horticultural goods such as plants, trees, and fruits.
The Canarsie Cemetery is located on Remsen Avenue and Avenue K. It was owned by the Remsen family until 1888, when they sold it to the town of Flatlands. In 1898, the cemetery became part of New York City, which became the new owner of the cemetery. Over the next century, 6,400 corpses were buried at the Canarsie Cemetery, including the Civil War and Spanish-American War veterans. The city announced its intention to sell Canarsie Cemetery in 1982, but for more than 25 years, attempts to sell it were unsuccessful. Cypress Hills, another funeral operator that embraces Brooklyn and Queens, purchased the Canarsie Cemetery in 2010. At that time, there were 8,000 places, with space for another 6,000 corpses.
Divine Bradley, a teenager living in Canarsie, founded Team Revolution after realizing there was a lack of safe space for young people in his neighborhood to meet, so he opened a community center in the basement of the family home, before he and the members raised enough money to set up center with recording studio and theater. The center focuses on community service initiatives and activities that provide alternatives to risky behavior such as unprotected sex, prostitution, rape, violence, gang activities, and drugs. The center offers students the opportunity to practice yoga and meditation, make music in "Hip Hopology" workshops, travel to spas, choreographic dances, visit museums, and attend concerts. He also has a program to teach youth about finance and leadership among other things. This student-led organization serves 500 youth by 2013.
Based on data from the US Census 2010, the population of Canarsie was 83,693, a decrease of 1,365 (1.6%) from 85,058 counted in 2000. Covering an area of ​​1,959.94 acres (793.16 ha), this neighborhood has a population density of 42.7 soul per acre (27.300/sq., mi; 10,600/km 2 ).
Racial makeup from the environment is 81.0% (67,816) African American, 5.9% (4,928) non-Hispanic White, 0.2% (192) Native American, 2.6% (2,198) Asian, 0.0 % (8) Pacific Islands, 0.4% (332) of other races, and 1.5% (1,278) of two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race is 8.3% (6,941) of the population.
During the 1990s, most of the white Canarsie people went to the suburbs as part of a national phenomenon called "white flights". Currently, the population of Canarsie is mostly black because of significant Western Indian immigration in the area. East Brooklyn Community High School now serves student transfer population.
The NYPD's 69th Precinct is located at 9720 Foster Avenue. In 2017, the 69th Border reported 7 murders (7 in 2001), 15 rape (35 in 2001), 138 robberies (363 in 2001), 215 assault attacks (267 in 2001), 86 thefts (291 on 2001), 301 grand larcenies (340 in 2001), and 74 grand larcenies auto (449 in 2001).
Health care
By 2014, Canarsie and Flatlands have an infant mortality rate of 5.1 per 1,000 births, higher than the overall city rate of 4.5 per 1,000 births. Premature births are also slightly more common in Canarsie and Flatlands than elsewhere throughout the city, although teenage births are not as common. In Canarsie and Flatlands, there were 11.5 premature deliveries per 1,000 live births (compared to 9.0 per 1,000 cities), and 14.1 births per 1,000 live births (compared to 23.6 per 1,000 cities). By 2015, residents of Canarsie and Flatlands have an average lifetime of 81.3 years.
Air pollution in Canarsie and Flatlands is 0.0082 milligrams per cubic meter (8.2 ÃÆ' - 10 -9 Ã, oz/cuÃ, ft), slightly lower than the overall city and boroughwide averages. Thirteen percent of Canarsie and Flatlands residents are smokers, who are in the vicinity of the city on average 15% of the population are smokers. Eighty-six percent of the population consume some fruits and vegetables every day, which is slightly lower than the city average of 88%. By 2015, four out of five residents (81%) describe their health as "good," "excellent," or "excellent." There are 8 tobacco stores per 10,000 people (compared to 11 tobacco stores per ten thousand people in Brooklyn and in New York City as a whole), but there are also 250 square feet (23 m 2 ) Supermarket recordings per 100 person, higher than the average city-wide of 177 square feet (16.4 m 2 ) per hundred people and on average an average area of ​​156 square feet (14.5 m 2 ) per hundred people.
At the southeastern edge of Canarsie is Canarsie Pier in Jamaica Bay, a fishing and recreational area. The dock is part of the Jamaica Bay National Zone Recreation Unit, operated by the National Park Service. The city was renovated dock in 1971, and NPS spent $ 5 million to renovate the pier again in 1992. The dock contains restaurants and visitor centers.
The neighborhood also has many parks operated by the Department of Parks and Recreation of New York City. Bayview Playground is located on Seaview Avenue and East 100th Street, inside the Bayview Houses and next to P.S. 270. The original plot for the playground was acquired in 1955, and the NYCHA provided additional land in 1962. Bayview Playground contains basketball and handball courts, as well as a play area and fitness area.
Bildersee Playground is located on Flatlands Avenue between East 81 and East 82nd Streets. His name, Isaac Bildersee, was the assistant general school supervisor for Brooklyn during the 1940s. The city bought the land in 1960 so it could build I.S. 68, Isaac Bildersee School, along with an accompanying playground. The Bildersee Playground opened with a school in 1965. Inside was a basketball and handball court, as well as a play area.
Canarsie Park is located on two southern parts of Seaview Avenue: one west of East 93rd Street, and one east East 102nd Street. In 1895 and 1896, the city acquired a plot of land bordered by East 88th and East 93rd Street between Seaview and Skidmore Avenues. At that time, the land contained Jans Martense Schenck's house. The park was expanded in 1934 after the city bought land from the Docks Department, and the playground was built on Seaview Avenue and East 93rd Street in 1936. Canarsie Park grew again in 1939 and 1948 using a package from the New York City Council of Estimate. The fourth expansion took place in 1954 when some land next to the Fresh Creek Basin was purchased. The Seaview Avenue theme park was renovated in the mid-1990s. Canarsie Park was renovated in the 2000s. During renovations, skateparks, cricket pitches, and nature trails are added. This renovation, and the maintenance of other parks in Canarsie, was linked to a $ 13 million infusion of City Councilman Lewis A. Fidler, who represented the 18th Community Council at the time. There are also facilities for baseball, soccer, basketball, and tennis, as well as running dogs.
Curtis Playground is located on Foster Avenue between East 81 and East 82nd Streets. It contains a basketball court as well as a fitness and play area.
Sledge Playground is located on East 95th Street between Holmes Lane and Avenue L. The park was originally opened in 1934 on land acquired by the city in 1924. In 1984, its name was replaced after Cecil Frank Sledge, a NYPD officer for the 69th Precinct who was killed in performing duties in 1980. Sledge Playground was renovated in 1997-1998.
The 100% Playground is located on Glenwood Road between East 100th and East 101st Streets. It contains a handball court, a playground, and a shower spray.
In 1978, the city proposed an additional park between East 102nd and East 108th Streets along Jamaica Bay, but residents opposed the new park because they wanted funds to pay for the maintenance of the park.
BMT Canarsie Line, where New York City's L
Bus Operation Routes B6, B17, B42, B60, B82, B103, and BM2 MTA are also run through Canarsie. The B42 route along the Rockaway Parkway is a direct descendant of the previous trolley route leading to Canarsie Pier. There is a free direct transfer between B42 and the subway on Rockaway Parkway.
The main highways through Canarsie are Remsen Avenue, Rockaway Parkway, and Flatlands Avenue. Belt Parkway, a limited access parka, serves Canarsie via the exit at Canarsie Pier,
Public Elementary Schools in Canarsie include P.S. 114, P.S. 115, P.S. 272, P.S. 276, I.S. 68, and I.S. 211. These schools are all operated by the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE).
Canarsie also contains buildings formerly occupied by South Shore High School and Canarsie Middle School, which now serves as an educational campus. In late autumn 2006, Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced that five troubled high schools would be closed in 2010, including South Shore and Canarsie High School. According to a NYCDOE spokesperson, the closure was associated with "a gloomy graduation rate, consistent low test score, poor education history, low-performing students, and lackluster demand." In addition, the College for Medical Professions is located on the Rockaway Parkway. In 2013, students in schools have lower average SAT scores than students in schools across the city.
Canarsie and Flatlands generally have the same ratio as college-educated residents rather than other parts of the city. A study of 2015 found that 38% of the population had college education or higher, but 14% had less education than high school and 49% were high school graduates with some higher education. In contrast, 38% of Brooklyn people and 41% of the city's population have college education or higher. The percentage of Canarsie and Flatlands students who are proficient in mathematics has increased from 40 percent in 2000 to 57.4 percent in 2011, but in the same period of time, reading ability decreased from 48 percent to 45.6 percent.
The Canarsie Courier , published every Thursday, is the oldest weekly publication in Brooklyn and is still in publication. Founded by Walter S. Patrick on April 22, 1921. The Courier was later purchased by Bob and Joe Samitz's brothers in 1959. After Joe Samitz's death, Mary Samitz became a paper co-publisher with her husband, Bob, and then became the sole publisher after Bob's death in 1998. The Samitz family then sold the paper to Donna Marra and Sandra Greco. Marra became the sole publisher in 2010. In 2011, the newspaper's circulation estimate was less than 5,000, and the newspaper hired three full-time staff writers.
Famous citizen
Notable today and former Canarsie residents include:
External links
- Media related to Canarsie, Brooklyn on Wikimedia Commons
Source of the article : Wikipedia