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SHOULD - English Modal Verb - YouTube

The English capital verb is a small class of auxiliary verbs that are used mostly to express modalities (properties such as possibilities, liabilities, etc.). They can be distinguished from other verbs by their imperfections (they have no participatory or infinitive form) and by the fact that they do not take the end of - (e) s in a single third person.

The main verb capital English is can , can , maybe , maybe , must , must , be , be and be . Some particular verbs are sometimes, but not always, classified as capital; this includes should , better , and (in certain use) dare and necessary . Verbs that only share some characteristics of the main modals are sometimes called "semimodal" or "pseudomodals".

Video English modal verbs

Venture capital and their features

Verbs that are usually classified as capital in English have the following properties:

  • They do not change (in modern languages) except as far as some of them come in today's pairs (present-preterite). They do not add ending - (e) s to a single third person (now-tense modals because it follows the preterite-present paradigm).
  • They are broken: they are not used as infinitives or participants (except occasionally in non-standard English; see Ã, § Double capital below), or as imperatives, or (by default) as subjunctives.
  • They function as auxiliary verbs: they change the meaning of other verbs, which they organize. This verb usually appears as an infinitive, although in some definitions, capital verbs can also set to -initives (as in the case should ).
  • They have syntactic properties associated with auxiliary verbs in English, especially that they can undergo a lesson-auxiliary inversion (in question, for example) and can be negated by adding no after the verb.

The following verbs have all of the above, and can be classified as the main English verb capital. They are listed here in current preterite couples where applicable:

  • can and can
  • can and might
  • should and have to
  • will and will
  • should (no preterite; see etymology below)

Note that preterite forms are not always used to refer to the past, and in some cases they are closely synonymous with these forms. Note that most of these so-called preterite forms are most commonly used in subjunctive moods in the present tense. Helpful verbs may and leave are also often used in subjunctive moods. A famous example is "May the Force with you," and "Let God bless you well." These are both sentences expressing some uncertainty, then it is a subjunctive sentence.

The verbs listed below mostly share the above features, but with certain differences. They are sometimes, but not always, categorized as capital verbs. They can also be called "semimodal".

  • The should be different from the main modals only in this case set to -infinitive than naked infinity (compare he should go with he should to go ).
  • The brave verb b> and need can be used as capital, often in negative form ( How dare he fight? ; You do not dare do that. ; You do not need to go. ), though they are more often found in the construction where they appear as ordinary inflection verb ( He dares to fight ; you do not have to go ). There are also dialect verbs, almost obsolete but sometimes heard in Appalachia and Deep South USA: darest , which means "not daring", as in "you dearly do that's it. "
  • The verb got in the expression better behaves like a capital verb, hence better compound verbs) are sometimes classified as capital or semimodal.
  • The verb used in the expression used to (do something) can behave as capital but more often used by doing - support rather than with verb-added syntax: Did he ever do it? Does he use it to do it? ) and He does not usually do it (or he does not use it to do it ) is more common than Using him to do it? and He does not use (not used) to do it .

Other English help comes in different forms and is not considered a capital verb. This is:

  • to , is used as a helper in passive voice construction and ongoing aspects; this follows the extra-verb syntax even when used as a copula, and in additional formations like going to , is and going i>;
  • have , is used as a helper in perfect aspect construction, including idiom already (to) ; it is also used in must , which has a capital meaning, but here (as it shows ownership) only rarely follows the additional verb syntax (see also must i> below);
  • do ; see do -support.

For more general information about the inflection of English verbs and additional usage, see English verbs and English clause syntax. For details of capital use, see Ã, § Use of the specific verb below.

Maps English modal verbs


Capital can and can originate from Old English can (n) and cuÃÆ'¾ , each of which is present and preterite verb form cunnan ("to be able"). The silence l in spelling could result from analogy with be and should .

Similarly, maybe and may come from the Old English mÃÆ'Â|g and meahte , each of the forms present and preterite magan ("may, can"); must and must be derived from sceal and sceolde , each present form and preterite sculan ("indebted, mandatory"); and will and be come from wille and wolde , each present and preterite willan ("want, want").

The earlier Old English verbs cunnan , magan , sculan and willan follow the preterite-present paradigm (or in case of willan , similar but irregular paradigm), which explains the absence of -s ends on the third person on the current form can , may , be and be . (The original Old English form given above is the first and the first single form of the person, the derivative form being common to all people and numbers.)

The verb should be from the Old English moste , part of the verb motan ("to be able, mandatory"). This is another preterite-present verb, where moste is actually a preterite (the current form mot raises mote , which is used as a capital verb in Language Early Modern English, but must have now lost its connotation in the past and have replaced more ). Similarly, should be originally a form of the past - it comes from ahte , preterite agan ("to have"), the Old English verb others- present verbs, whose present form of ah have given the modern (ordinary) owed verb (and should used as a past tense < i> owe ).

The verb dare also comes from the preterite-present verb, durran ("to dare"), especially the present tense dear (r) , though in its non-modern use in Modern English, conjugate regularly. However, needs to come from the ordinary Old English verb neodian (meaning "necessary") - alternate third person form necessary (in place of needs ), which has become the norm in the use of capital, became common in the 16th century.

Modal verbs of probability | English grammar - YouTube


The capital verb serves as a helper for other verbs, which appear in infinitive form (infinitive blank, or to -initive in case should and be used as discussed above). Example: You must escape ; It may be difficult .

Verbs governed by capital may be other additions (of course that may appear in infinitive forms - these include being and owning , but not other capital, except in the case of standard ones described below under Ã,§ Double modals). Therefore, a capital can introduce a chain (technically catena) verb forms, in which other servants express properties such as aspects and sounds, as in He must have been given a new job. I.

Modals can appear in tag questions and other elliptical expressions without verbs being set expressed: ... can it be? ; I can not. ; Will they?

Like any other helper, the capital verb is denied by adding the word not after that word. (Modifications of meaning may not always correspond to a simple negation, as in the case of not allowed .) Capital can join not to form a single word can not . Most of the capital has been contracted to eliminate the forms in not commonly used in informal English: can not , not , (from be ), etc.

Again like any other helper, verb capital undergoes inversion with its subject, in forming questions and in other cases described in an article about additional inversion-subject: Can you do this? ; No account you can enter. When there is a negation, contractions with not may experience inversion as a tool in itself: Why can not I login? (or: Why can not I sign in? ).

More information on this topic can be found in the English clause syntax.

Modal Verbs Chart â€

Past form

The form of preterite given above may be , may , be and be , corresponding to can , maybe , will and be , respectively) not always just change the meaning of the capital to give it a past reference time. The only thing commonly used as a regular past sentence is can , when referring to the ability: I can swim can work as a past tense I can swim me.

All preterite is used as a past equivalent for current modes of indirect speech and similar clauses requiring the order of tenses to be applied. For example, in 1960 it may be said that the People think that we will all become driving hovercars in 2000 , whereas later on this may be reported that In 1960, people think we will all become driving hovercars in 2000.

The use of "the future in the past" from will can also occur in an independent sentence: I moved to Green Gables in 1930; I will stay there for the next ten years.

In many cases, to provide past references, they are used together with "perfect infinitive", that is additionally have and past participle, as in I should ask for it ; You may have seen me . Sometimes this expression is limited in meaning; for example, must have can refer only to certainty, whereas past obligations expressed by alternative phrases such as should (see Ã,§ Replacement for damaged form below).

Conditional sentence

Preterite forms of capital are used in the counterfactual conditional phrase, in apodosis ( then -clause). The capital will (sometimes should be the first person alternative) is used to generate the conditional constructs normally used in this type of clause: If you love me, you will support me. This can be replaced by can (meaning "will be") and maybe (meaning "possible") as appropriate.

When clauses have past references, constructs with perfect infinitive plus capital (see above) are used: If they (want) to do so, they will (may/have) done now. (Construction will definitely be done is called perfect conditional.)

The protocol ( if -clause) of such a sentence usually contains the past form of the verb (or a perfect construct in the past, in the case of a past reference), without capital. Capital can be used here in its role as a past tense can ( if I can speak French ). But all capital preterites can be used in such clauses with certain future hypothetical reference types: if i should lose or should i lose (equivalent to if i lose ); if you will/may/can stop doing that (usually used as a form of request).

The sentence with the verb wish (and the expression of desire using if only... ) follows a pattern similar to if - the settings mentioned above, when they have current references or past references. When they express the desired event in the near future, capital will be used: I hope you will visit me ; If only she gave me a sign.

For more information see conditional English language and subjunctive English.

Replacement for damaged form

As noted above, the verb of English capital is damaged because they have no subjunctive, participatory, imperative or (standard) form, and in some cases past forms. But in many cases there is an equivalent expression that carries the same meaning as capital, and can be used to supply missing forms. Especially:

  • Capital can and can , in the sense they express the ability, can be replaced by am/is/can and is/able . Additional forms can be given: infinitive (to) can be , subjunctive and (rarely) imperative can , and participles can and can already .
  • Capital may and may , in the meaning of permission, be replaced by am/is/are allowed to and allowed to .
  • Capital must be in many ways overridden with should/should . This provides the past participle and pasted form must , and another form (should) be , must .
  • It will be replaced by I/will/will . This can provide previous and other forms: being/going , (to) going to , being/has gone to .
  • Capital should and should be replaced by is/should/, so that the form is /Should , (for) should , be/should .

Contraction and subtraction pronunciation

As already mentioned, most of the capital in combination with does not forms the commonly used contractions: can not , will not , etc. Some of its capital also has its own contract form:

  • The verb will be often contracted out to 'll ; the same contractions can also represent must .
  • The verb will (or must , when used as the first-person equivalent will ) is often contracted to 'd .
  • The have better are also often contracted out to 'd . (The same contraction is used for other cases having as a helper.)

Some of their capitalists generally have weak pronunciations when they are not stressed or prominent; for example, can is usually pronounced /k? n/. The same applies to certain words following modals, especially auxiliary have : combinations like should usually be reduced to /?? d (h)? v/ or just /?? d?/ "shoulda". Also should be /?: T?/ "oughta". See weak and strong forms in English.

Use of certain verbs

Can and can

The capital verb can express the possibility either in a dynamic, deontic, or epistemic sense, that is, in terms of innate abilities, permissibility, or possible circumstances. As an example:

  • I can speak English means "I can speak English" or "I know how to speak English".
  • You can smoke here means "You may (allowed) to smoke here" (in formal English maybe or maybe sometimes considered more correct than can or be in this sense).
  • There is strong competition between siblings means such competition is possible.

The preterite form can be used as a past or conditional form of can in the above sense (see § Past form above). This is also used to state the possible circumstances: We can get into trouble here. It's better to use can , maybe or maybe than can when declaring a possible situation under certain circumstances ( as opposed to a general case, as in the example "competition" above, where may or may be used).

Both can and can be used to make a request: Can/can you give me cheese? means "Please give me cheese" (where can show greater decency).

It is common to use can with perceptual verbs like view , hear , etc., as in I can see the tree Differences conceptually can be created, such as I can see it (ongoing circumstances) vs. I see it (event). View can see .

The use of can with infinitive perfectly express the ability or the possibility of the past, either in some counterfactual situations ( I can tell if I have seen it ), or in some real circumstances where the action actually did not materialize: I can tell yesterday (but actually I did not). The use of can with perfect infinitive, can have... , is a rarer alternative to may have... (for negative See below ).

Disapproval can is single word can not , only sometimes written separately because can not . Although can not be preferred (because can not be potentially ambiguous), its irregularity (all uncontaminated verbal negativity using at least two words) sometimes causes those unfamiliar with English nuances spelling to use a separate form. The contract form is can not (pronounced /k ?: Nt/ in RP and some other dialects). Negatives can are the usual can not , are contracted for can not .

Negative forms reverse the meaning of capital (to express disability, impossibility or impossibility). This is different from the case with maybe or maybe used to express the possibility: it may not be true has a different meaning than it may not be true . Thus can not (or can not ) is often used to express mistrust in the possibility of something, because should express confidence in the certainty of something. When the circumstances in question refer to the past, the form with infinitive is perfect to use: he can not (can not) have done it means "I believe it is impossible he did" (compare he must have done ).

Sometimes not apply infinitively rather than to capital (stress will then be applied to make it clear): I do not do that, but I will still do it. and might

The verb may state the possibility in the epistemic or deontic sense, that is, in terms of possible circumstances or abilities. For example:

  • Mouse may be dead means the mouse may be dead.
  • You may leave the room means that the listener is allowed to leave the room.

In expressing possible circumstances, may may have future and current references ( he/she may arrive means that he/she may arrive; I can go to the mall means I'm considering going to the mall).

The preterite form may be is used as a synonym for maybe when specifying a possible state (as can be - see above). It is sometimes said that may and can express a greater degree of doubt than may . For the use of maybe in the conditional sentence, and as a past equivalent to maybe in a context like indirect speech, see Ã,§Forms above.

May (or maybe ) may also reveal irrelevance regardless of certain truth or maybe: He may be taller than me, but he certainly is not stronger i> can mean "While it may (or may be) true that he is taller than me, it makes no difference, because he is definitely no stronger."

May can indicate the current assigned permission for present or future actions: You can go now . Maybe used in this way is lighter: You may go now if you feel like it. Similarly Can I use your phone? is a request for permission ( maybe will be more hesitant or polite).

Less common use maybe is to express wishes, like in Hope you live long and happy or Hope your Force with (see also English Subtitle ).

When used with perfect infinitive, may have indicate uncertainty about the past, while may have can have that meaning, but may also refer to possibilities that do not occur but can be in a state (see also conditional sentence above).

  • He may have eaten a cake (the speaker does not know if he eats the cake).
  • He may have eaten a cake (this means the same as the one above, or else it means he does not eat the cake but that or maybe it is for him to eat the cake).

Note that the above perfect forms refer to possibilities, not permissions (though the second meaning may be may sometimes imply permission).

The form of the negation of maybe is maybe not ; this has no general contraction ( should not be outdated). The maybe is maybe not ; this is sometimes contracted out to maybe not , mostly in tag questions and in other questions uncovering doubts ( Could I sign in if I take off my boots? ).

The meaning of the negated form depends on the use of capital. When the possibility is indicated, the negation effectively applies to the main verb rather than capital: It may/may not mean "It may/may not-be," ie "It may fail to be true". But when permission is being expressed, negation applies to capital or all verb phrases: You can not go now means "You are not allowed to go now" (except in rare cases where not and the main verb are both emphasized to show that they are running together: You can go or no go , whichever you want ).

Must and must

The verb should be used in some kind of English in place will , indicating the future when the subject is the first person ( I will, we will ).

With second and third person subjects, will show commands, commands or prophecies: Cinderella, you have to go to the ball! Often used in writing laws and specifications: Those convicted of violating this law must be jailed for a period of not less than three years ; Electronic assemblies should be able to operate within normal temperature range.

Will it sometimes be used in a question (in the first person, or perhaps third,) to ask for advice or confirmation of a suggestion: Should I read now? ; What will we wear? Also, Should be used as a simple future form Should so I will be meaning i should or I will have .

Should be sometimes used as the first person equivalent to be (in conditional use and "future in the past"), in the same way that > should can replace be . Should also be used to form substitutes for subjunctives present in some types of English, as well as in some conditional sentences with hypothetical future references - see subjunctive English and English conditional sentences.

Should often be used to describe the behavior or circumstances expected or recommended. This can be used to provide suggestions or to describe normative behavior, although without a strong compulsory force such as must or be . Thus, you should not lie to explain social or ethical norms. It can also reveal what will happen according to theory or hope: It should work. In this usage it is equivalent to should .

Both must and should be used with perfect infinitive should/do ) in their roles as first-person equivalents will and will (thus forming a perfect future or conditional structure). Also must have may state an order with the perfect aspect ( you must complete your task by nine o'clock). When should be used in this way it usually expresses something that has been expected, or is normatively required, at some time in the past, but that did not really happen (or is not known to have happened): I should have done that yesterday ("it would be wise, or expected from me, to do that yesterday").

Formal negotiations are not and not allowed , contracted for shall not and should . Negation effectively applies to the main verb rather than helper: You should not do this means not only that there is no need to do this, but there is a need not to do this. The logical negation of I should is I should not or I should not .

Will and be

Capital will is often used to express the future ( Next meeting will be held on Thursday ). Since this is an expression of time rather than a modality, construction with will (or sometimes should ; see above and on be and be ) are often referred to as future English forms, and forms like will be done , will be done , will be done and will do often called a simple future, a progressive future (or a sustainable future), a perfect future, and a perfectly progressive (sustainable) future. With the subject of the first person ( I , we ), in the variation where will be used for a simple expression of the future, the use of will shows a certain willingness or determination.

Future events are also sometimes referred to using present tense (see Use of English verb forms), or using will constructs.

Will as a capital also has a number of different uses:

  • It can express the customary aspect; for example, he will make mistakes can mean that he often makes mistakes (here the word will is usually a bit depressed, and often expresses annoyance).
  • Can express strong possibilities with current time references, like in That would be John at the door .
  • This can be used to give an indirect command, as in you will do it now .

The preterite form will be used in some conditional sentences, and as a past form of the future will as described above under Ã,§ Past tense. (Sometimes replaced with must in the first person in the same way that will be replaced by should .) Other uses of will including:

  • Expression of decency, as in I want... (for "I want") and Will you (behave kindly) do this? (for "Please do this").
  • The expression of past habits, like in At that time, I will eat early and will walk to school.

Both will and will be used with perfect infinitive ( will have , will have ), either to form a perfect shape and perfect the existing future that is called, or to express the perfect aspect in their other meaning (eg there will be an arrest warrant , which denotes a strong possibility).

Negated form is will not (contracted for will not ) and will not (contracted for will not ). In the capital sense of the be negation is effectively applied to the main verb phrase and not to the modalities (eg when expressing the order, you will not do declaring an order not to do it, just the absence of commands to do so). For the form of contract will and be itself, see Ã, § Construction and reduction of above pronunciation.

Must and must

Capital must declare obligations or obligations: You must use this form ; We should try to escape . It can also express the confidence assumption (epistemic rather than deontic), as in It must be here somewhere .

An alternative to should be is the expression must or must depend on the pronoun (in the present time sometimes should ), which often more idiomatic in informal English when referring to obligations. It also provides another form where should be damaged (see Ã, § Replacement for the damaged form above) and allows a simple negation (see below).

When used with perfect infinitive (ie with having and past participle), should just state the assumption: Sue must leave means that the speaker is confident with assuming that Sue had left. To express a requirement or obligation in the past, must or some other synonyms should be used.

Formal negotiations should be not (contracted to not allowed ). However the negation effectively applies to the main verb, not the modalities: You can not do this means you are required not to do this, not just that you are not required to do this. To express the lack of requirements or obligations, negative must or necessary (see below) may be used: You do not have to do this ; You do not need to do this .

The above negative forms are usually not used in terms of confident assumptions; here it is common to use not to to express the belief that something is not happening (as in Not here or, perfectly, Sue should not leave ).

Not allowed can still be used as a simple negative should in tag questions and other questions that express doubt: We have to do it, right? Should not he be in the operating room at this stage?

Should and better

Should be used with meanings similar to should express expectations or requirements. The major grammatical difference is that should be used with to -ininstall rather than empty infinitive, then we should go the equivalent of we should go . Because of this syntax difference, should be sometimes excluded from the capital verb class, or classified as semimodal.

Lessened lessons should (see Ã,§ Contraction and subtract pronunciation above) are sometimes given spelling of the eyes oughta .

Should be used with perfect infinitive in the same way as should (but again with insertion ): You must have done that before .

The grammatically excluded form is should not or should not , equivalent in the sense that it should (but it is used with for < ). The actual negation is should not which has the same meaning as am/is/not not to . The past tense shape should be neglected .

The expression better has a meaning similar to should and should when expressing suggested or wise behavior: I'd better start working (This can also be used to provide instructions with implications of threats: you should give me money or something else ). The has of this expression is similar to capital: it regulates infinitive naked, it is corrupted because it is not replaced by another form of the verb has , and it behaves syntactically as a verb additional. For this reason, the expression is better , is considered a kind of compound verb, sometimes classified together with modals or as semimodal.

The have better can be contracted for 'd , or in some informal (especially American) usage may be omitted. Expressions can be used with perfect infinitive: You should finish that report tomorrow . There is a negative form no better , used mainly in the question: Are not we better starting now? It's more common for infinitives to be negated by instead after better : You should not do that (meaning you're strongly advised to not doing that).

brave and need

The brave verb and need can be used both as capital and as a common (non-modal) conjugate verb. As non-modal verbs they can take to -infinitive as their complement ( I dare answer ; He needs to clean it ), even though > brave may also take naked infinity ( He did not dare go ). In their use as capital they regulate infinitive blanks, and are usually limited to negative questions and sentences.

Examples of capital use brave , followed by the equivalent of using non-modal bold if appropriate:

  • dare he do it? ("Did he dare do it?")
  • I do not dare (or not dare or dasn't ) try ("I do not dare try ")
  • How dare you! ; How dare he! (the idiomatic expression of anger)
  • I dare say (another idiomatic expression, here very without negation or question syntax)

The use of capital necessary near the meaning of must declare obligation or obligation. Negotiated forms do not need ( not necessary ) are different in the meaning of not allowed , however; it expresses a lack of need, whereas should not declare a prohibition. Example:

  • Do I need to continue? ("Should I continue?")
  • You do not need to water the lawn ("You do not need to water the grass" compare the different meanings of you should not be water... )

Capital necessary can also be used with perfect infinitive: Need I have done that? This is most often used here in the negative, to show that something done is (from the present perspective) is not really necessary: ​​ You do not have to leave that tip .

Used for

The verbal expression is used to express the past or past habits, usually with the implication that they are no longer so. This is followed by an infinitive (ie, the full expression consists of a verb used plus to -infinitive). Thus, the statement I used to go to college means that the previous speaker usually goes to college, and usually implies that this is no longer the case.

While is used to not expressing modalities, it has some similarities to its auxiliary in that it is invariant and corrupted in form and can follow the extra-verb syntax: it is possible to form questions like come here? and negative like He does not use (rarely not used ) to come here . More commonly, however, (though not the most formal style) is the syntax that treats is used as the past tense of ordinary verbs, and forms questions and negatives using doing : Does he use (d) to come here? He does not use (d) to come here .

Note the pronunciation differences between ordinary verbs use /ju: z/ and previous form used > /ju: zd/ (as in scissors used for cutting paper ), and the form verbs described here : /ju: st/.

The use of verbal is used for should not be confused with the use of adjectives of the same expression, which means "familiar with", as in I am familiar with this , we must accustomed to the cold . When the adjective form is followed by a verb, gerund is used: I used to go to college in the morning .


In English, the verb capital as must, must, must, can not and can not be used to express deduction and disagreement. The capital verb expresses how sure the speaker is about something.

  • You are shivering - you must be cold.
  • Someone has to pick up the key: it's not here.
  • I did not order ten books. This should be a mistake.
  • This is not mine - they must be yours.
  • It can not be a thief. All doors and windows are locked.

Double modal

In formal standard English usage, more than one capital verb is not used sequentially, because capital is followed by a basic verb, which they themselves lack. They can be combined only with non-capital construction that has a capital function, such as should , which is independent of its function rather than a capital verb. Therefore, may have to be acceptable, but may have to be not, although must and should be normally used alternately. But the main addition (which is usually the first capital verb in the sentence), should not be in the infinitive. To place double capital in the past tense, only the first capital is changed as in i should .

A large number of double modalities emerged in several regional dialects. In English, for example, phrases like be brave , may be or should be used in conversation and are grammatically correct. Double capital can sometimes be in tense future, as in "I will have to go", where will is the main verb and supposed is also a helper but infinitive. Another example is We should be working with should be the main helper and be as infinitive. Other examples include You may not dare to run or need help .

Some types of double-capital phrases are not considered standard, although a combination of capital with constructs such as capital can be used instead. "I might be able to do something" is wrong because can is not infinitive. This is more often expressed as "I might be able to do something", which is assumed to be true. Similarly used to be (also incorrect and expressed as used to be ) appears for example in country country song singer Bill Carlisle 1951 "Too Old to Cut the Mustard":

To form the subject question and the first verb exchanged if the verb does not require support such as Can you write? If the main enhancement needs to support as to do add to start as in Does he use to need to fight? As if the normal capital used action verb should be in infinitive form.

If capital is put into perfect form, past participle of infinitive is used as in He has swum or You can not skate and interrogate this. the main verb and subject are exchanged as in Does he have to come?

Double capital also occurs in Scottish language which is strongly related to the Germanic language.

Comparison with other Germanic languages ​​

Many English capital has the same language in other Germanic languages, although with different meanings in some cases. However, unlike English, these verbs are generally undamaged; they can change, and have infinitive, participatory, and future forms (eg using additional werden in German). Examples of such cognate words include:

  • in German: mÃÆ'¶gen , mÃÆ'¼ssen , kÃÆ'¶nnen , sollen , wollen ; cognate maybe , must , be , must , and be . Although Germany shares five capital verbs in English, the meaning is often very different. MÃÆ'¶gen does not mean "allowed" but "may" as epistemic capital and "likes" as a normal verb followed by a noun. This can be followed by an infinitive with the meaning of 'having a desire to'. Wollen means "will" only in the sense of "want" and not used to form a tense future. MÃÆ'¼ssen , kÃÆ'¶nnen , and sollen are used the same as English "must", "can" and "will". Notice, however, that the negation of mÃÆ'¼ssen is literal in German, not the reverse as in English. This is to say that the German ich muss means "I need", and ich muss nicht (literally the same as "I should not") thus means "I do not need". In English, "must" behave in the same way, while English "must" declare a ban when omitted. Brauchen (needs) is sometimes used like a capital verb, especially negated ("Er braucht nicht kommen", "He does not need to come").
  • in Dutch: mogen , moeten , kunnen , zullen , willen ; cognate maybe , must , be , must , and be .
  • in Denmark: mÃÆ'  ¥ tte , kunne , ville , skulle , relatives may/should , be , be , must . They generally have the same meaning in English, with the exception of ville , which usually means "want" (but which can also mean "will").
  • in Swedish: mÃÆ'  ¥ (past: mÃÆ'  ¥ tte ), mÃÆ'  sta , kunna , vilja , ska (ll) , relative may/may , must , can , be , must . They generally have the same meaning in English, with the exception of vilja , which means "want."

Since the capital verb in other Germanic languages ​​is not broken, the problem of double capital (see above) does not arise: the second capital verb in such construction simply takes the infinitive form, as does the non- capital verb in same position. Compare the following English translation "I want to be able to dance", all of which translate literally as "I want to be able to dance".

  • Germany: Ich will tanzen kÃÆ'¶nnen.
  • Netherlands: Ik wil kunnen dansen.
  • Denmark: Jeg vil kunne danse.
  • Sweden: Jag vill kunna dance.

See also

  • Atmosphere-aspect-tense Ã,§ Invariant invariant



External links

  • Verbs in Grammar, wikibook
  • modal help Website/Project that collects phrases containing auxiliary modal on the web (in German and English)
  • modal help Website/Project that collects phrases containing auxiliary modal on the web (in German and English)
  • Working capital: special points

Source of the article : Wikipedia
