Kamis, 28 Juni 2018

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Murder is the unlawful killing of another human without justification or valid reason, especially unlawful killing of another human being with previous hatred. This state of mind can, depending on jurisdiction, distinguishes murder from other forms of unlawful killings, such as mediocre killing. Massacres are murders committed in the absence of spite , brought about by reasonable provocation, or reduced capacity. Unknowingly murder, where it is acknowledged, is a murder that lacks all but the most debilitated intentions of guilt, carelessness.

Most societies regard murder as a very serious crime, and thus believe that the accused must receive severe punishment for the purpose of retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation, or disability. In most countries, a person convicted of murder generally faces long-term prison sentences, possibly a life sentence; and in some cases, the death penalty may be imposed.

Video Murder


The modern English word "murder" descends from Proto-Indo-European "mrtrÃÆ'Â yang" meaning "to die". Central English mordre is a noun from Anglo-Saxon morÃÆ' Â ° or and Old French murdre . Central English mordre is a verb from Anglo-Saxon myrdrian and Middle English nouns.

Maps Murder


British jurist of the eighteenth century, William Blackstone (quoting Edward Coke), in his book Comments on English Law sets the definition of a common law of murder, which by definition occurs

when a person, with a thoughtful and wise wisdom, illegally kills any creature that is sensible and is under the peace of the king, with the hatred that exists, either express or implicit.

The elements of general law killings are:

  1. Invalid
  2. kill
  3. through criminal acts or negligence
  4. human
  5. by other humans
  6. with previous hatred.

Invalid - This distinguishes murder by murder committed within legal limits, such as death penalty, justifiable self-defense, or killing of enemy combatants by legitimate fighters and causing damage to non-combatant collateral during the war.

Killing - In common law life ends with cardiopulmonary arrest - total cessation and irreversible blood circulation and respiration. With advances in medical technology trials have adopted the cessation of all irreversible brain functions as a sign of the end of life.

? criminal acts or negligence - Murder may be committed by act or omission.

man - This element presents the issue of when life began. In general law, the fetus is not human. Life begins when the fetus passes through the vagina and takes the first breath.

by other humans - In the first general law, suicide is considered murder. The requirement that the person being murdered is someone other than the perpetrator excluding the suicide from the definition of murder.

with previous hatred - Initially malicious envy brings with it everyday meaning - a deliberate and pre-planned killing (the previous purpose) of another person motivated by malice. Murder certainly takes a considerable time elapsed between the formation and the execution of intent to kill. The courts expanded the scope of killing by eliminating the requirements of premeditation and actual deliberation as well as true crimes. All that is required for a previous crime is that the offender acts with one of the four states of mind that constitute "evil".

The four mental states that are recognized as "crimes" are:

Under the state of mind (i), intent to kill, the rules of deadly weapons apply. Thus, if the defendant deliberately uses a deadly weapon or device against the victim, such use authorizes permissive inference to kill. In other words, "intention to follow the bullet". Examples of deadly weapons and instruments include but are not limited to weapons, knives, lethal toxins or chemicals or gases and even vehicles when deliberately used to harm one or more victims.

In a state of mind (iii), "abandoned and malignant heart", murder must be caused by the behavior of defendants involving careless indifference to human life and consciously ignore the risk of unwarranted death or serious bodily injury. In Australian jurisdictions, unreasonable risks should amount to the probability of death predicting (or severe body damage in most states), compared with the possibility.

In a state of mind (iv), the crime-killing doctrine, the crime committed must be a very dangerous crime, such as robbery, arson, rape, robbery or kidnapping. Importantly, the underlying crime can not be an offense including the lower one such as an attack, otherwise all criminal killings will be murder because all are crimes.

Like most legal terms, the exact definition of killing varies between jurisdictions and is usually codified in some form of legislation. Even when the legal distinction between murder and murder is clear, the jury does not find a defendant guilty of murder for a lesser offense. The jury may sympathize with the defendant (eg in the evil of desire, or in the case of the persecuted victim who killed their torturer), and the jury may want to protect the accused from life imprisonment or execution.

The degree of murder

Many jurisdictions divide murder by degrees. The distinction between first and second degree murders exists, for example, in Canada's killing laws and US murder laws.

The most common division is between first and second murder. Generally, second-degree murders are ordinary legal killings, and the first level is a compounded form. The aggravating factors of first-degree murder depend on jurisdiction, but may include a specific intention to kill, prelude, or deliberation. In some cases, murders committed by acts such as strangulation, poisoning, or lying await are also treated as first-degree murder. Some states in the US further differentiate third-degree murder, but they differ significantly where the type of murder they classify as the second degree versus the third level. For example, Minnesota defines third degree murder as a corrupted heart murder, while Florida defines third-degree murder as a crime murder (except when the underlying crime is specifically listed in the definition of first-degree murder).

Some jurisdictions also distinguish the premeditated murder. This is a false and deliberate crime of another human death (also known as killing) after considering rationally the time or method of doing so, to increase the likelihood of success, or to avoid detection or fear. State laws in the United States vary for the definition of "premeditation". In some countries, premeditation may be interpreted as just seconds before the assassination. Unlawful killing is one of the most serious forms of murder, and punishable more than ordinary murder or other types of murder, often with life imprisonment without the possibility of parole, or in some countries, the death penalty. In the US, federal law ( 18 U.S.C.Ã,1111 (a) ) criminalizes premeditated murder, murder of crime and second-degree murder. In Canada, the Criminal Code classifies murder as either level 1 or 2. The former type of murder is often called premeditated murder, although pre-circulation is not the only way murder can be classified as the first level.

General law

According to Blackstone, British common law identifies murder as one of the public false . According to common law, murder is considered as malum in se; it is an evil act in its own right. An act like murder is wrong or evil by its nature. And that is the nature of actions that do not require specific details or definitions in law to consider murder as a crime.

Some jurisdictions still take the general legal view of murder. In such jurisdictions, what is considered a murder is defined by the precedent's case law or the previous decision of a court of law. However, although the general law is essentially flexible and adaptable, for the sake of certainty and conviction, the most common legal jurisdiction has codified their criminal law and now has a legal definition of murder.



Although legislation differs in every country, there are some exceptional circumstances that are common in many legal systems.

  • Killing an enemy fighter who has not surrendered by a legitimate warrior, in accordance with the law's order of war, is also generally not considered murder; although unlawful killings in a war may be murder or war crimes that are suicidal. (see the article Law of war)
  • Self-defense: acting in self-defense or defending others is generally accepted as a legal justification for killing someone in a situation that should have been murder. However, the killing of yourself may be considered ordinary murder if the killer controls the situation before the murder takes place. In the case of self-defense it is called "justifiable killing".
  • Unlawful killings without malicious intent or intent are considered ordinary killings.
  • In many countries of common law, provocation is a partial defense of murder allegations that act by altering what should be murder to ordinary murder (this is a voluntary killing, which is more severe than unintentional murder).
  • Unintentional murder is considered a murder. Depending on circumstances, this may or may not be considered a criminal offense; they are often considered ordinary murders.
  • Suicide is not a murder in most societies. However, assisting in suicide, can be regarded as murder in some circumstances.

Specific for specific countries

  • Death penalty: some countries apply capital punishment. The death penalty may be ordered by a valid court of law as a result of a conviction in criminal proceedings with legal proceedings for serious crimes. 47 Member States of the Council of Europe are prohibited from using the death penalty.
  • Euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide: deadly drug treatment by doctors to severely ill patients, if the goal is solely to relieve pain, in many jurisdictions it is considered a special case (see doctrine of double effect and case of Dr. John Bodkin Adams).
  • Killing to prevent the theft of one's property may be legitimate, depending on its jurisdiction. In 2013, a jury in southern Texas frees a man who kills a prostitute trying to flee with his money.
  • Kill the intruder found by the owner to be in the owner's house (after unauthorized entry): legal in most US states (see Castle Doctrine).
  • Kills to prevent specific forms of rape or aggravated sexual assault - the assassination of an attacker by a potential victim or by an eyewitness at the scene; legal in some parts of the US and in various other countries.
  • In Pakistan, the murder of a woman or girl under certain circumstances (for example, when she commits adultery and is killed by her husband or another family member, known as honor killing) is not considered a murder.
  • In the United States, in some states and in federal jurisdictions, killings by police officers are exempt from prosecution if officers believe they are threatened with lethal force by the victim. This may include such action by the victim when reaching into a drawer or pocket for licenses and registration, if the officer thinks that the victim might reach for a gun.
  • The jurisdictional area is similar to international waters. Therefore, murders committed in outer space are subject to jurisdiction in a country that has a spaceship where the killing occurred. In the event of a murder taking place on an outer space planet (eg the Moon), no country can own land on another planet so that its killer is bound by the laws of the country in which they belong. This also applies to ISSs per treaty signed by all countries that have worked at stations so that all astronauts are protected by extraterratorial jurisdiction.


All jurisdictions require that the victim be a natural person; a man who was alive before being killed. In other words, under the law one can not kill corpses, corporations, nonhuman animals, or other non-human organisms such as plants or bacteria.

California's act of killing, Criminal Code Section 187, was interpreted by the California Supreme Court in 1994 for not requiring proof of fetal survival as a precondition for assassination of murder. This grip has two implications. The first is that a defendant in California can be convicted of murder for killing a fetus whose own parent can be stopped without committing a crime. The second, as declared by Justice Stanley Mosk in disagreement, is that because women carrying an unbalanced fetus may not appear pregnant, it is possible for the defendant to be punished for deliberately killing someone whom he does not know existed.

Reduce the state

Some countries allow conditions that "affect the balance of mind" to be perceived as mitigating circumstances. This means that a person can be found guilty of "slaughter" on the basis of "diminished responsibility" rather than being found guilty of murder, if it can be proven that the murderer suffers a condition affecting their judgment at that time. Depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and drug side effects are examples of conditions that can be taken into account when assessing responsibilities.


Mental disorders may apply to a variety of disorders including psychosis caused by schizophrenia and dementia, and forgive the person from the need to undergo trial stress as a liability. Usually, sociopathy and other personality disorders are not considered legally insane, because their beliefs are the result of free will in many societies. In some jurisdictions, after a pre-trial hearing to determine the extent of the disorder, an "innocent defense for madness" can be used to obtain an innocent verdict. This defense has two elements:

  1. That the defendant suffers from a serious mental illness, illness, or disability.
  2. That the mental state of the accused, at the time of the murder, makes the offender unable to determine right and wrong, or that what he did was wrong.

Under New York law, for example:

Ã,§ 40,15 Mental illness or disability. In any prosecution of a violation, it is a convincing defense that when a defendant engages in prohibited conduct, he has no criminal responsibility for reasons of mental illness or disability. The lack of such criminal liability means that when such behavior, as a result of mental illness or disability, it does not have a great capacity to know or appreciate: 1. The nature and consequences of such behavior; or 2. That such behavior is wrong.

Under the French Criminal Code:

Article 122-1

  • A person is not responsible for the criminal who, when the action is committed, suffers from a psychological or neuropsychological disorder that destroys the discerment or his ability to control his actions.
  • A person who, while acting, suffers from a psychological or neuropsychological disorder that diminishes his acumen or impedes his ability to control his actions, may still be punished; however, the court must consider this when deciding on punishment and determining its regime.

Those who successfully argue the defense based on mental disorder are usually referred to mandatory clinical care until they are declared safe to be released back into society, not prison. A criminal defendant is often presented with the option of pleading "not guilty by reason of insanity". Thus, the findings of insanity produce an innocent verdict, even though the defendant is placed in a state-care facility where he can be kept for years or even decades.

Postpartum depression

Postpartum depression (also known as postpartum depression) is recognized in some countries as a mitigating factor in infanticide cases. According to Dr. Susan Friedman, "Two dozen countries have laws of killing children who reduce the penalty for mothers who kill their children until the age of one year.The United States does not have such a law, but the mentally ill mother may plead not guilty by reason of insanity. "In the laws of the Republic of Ireland, the murder of children as crimes separated from murders in 1949, applies to the mother of a baby under a year where" the balance of his mind is disrupted by the reason he has not fully recovered from the effects of childbirth or by reason of lactation effect due to the birth of a child ". Since independence, the death penalty for murder in such cases has always been lightened; new action intended "to remove all the terrible rituals of the black hat and the serious words of the judge who proclaimed the death penalty in cases... where it was clear to the Court and to everyone, except perhaps the unfortunate accused, that the sentence will never be done. "In Russia, the murder of a newborn child by mother has been a separate crime since 1996.


For murders considered murder in nine of the fifty states in the US, there usually needs to be an element of intent. A defendant may argue that he takes precautions not to kill, that death can not be anticipated, or can not be avoided. As a general rule, murder is a reckless killing, but ordinary murder also includes careless murder in a criminal manner (ie, a very negligent killing). Unintentional murder resulting from voluntary actions can not generally be murder. After examining the evidence, a judge or jury (depending on the jurisdiction) will determine whether the murder is voluntary or unintentional.

Lack of capacity

In jurisdictions that use the Criminal Code Uniform, such as California, reduced capacity can be a defense. For example, Dan White uses this defense to get a conviction of murder instead of murder in the murder of Mayor George Moscone and Superintendent Harvey Milk. After that, California changed the penal law to give "As a matter of public policy there will be no defensive capacity retention, less responsibility, or an irresistible impulse in criminal action...."

Incriminating situations

Murders with certain irritating circumstances are often punished harder. Depending on the jurisdiction, such circumstances may include:

  • Premeditation
  • Poison
  • A child's murder
  • The murder of a police officer, judge, firefighter or crime witness
  • Murder of a pregnant woman
  • Crimes committed to pay or other benefits, such as contract killings
  • Brutality or extraordinary cruelty
  • Methods that are harmful to the public, e.g. explosion, arson, shooting in crowds etc.
  • Murder for political reasons
  • Murder committed to hide other crimes or facilitate commissions.
  • Hates crime, which occurs when the offender targets victims because their members are perceived in a particular social group.
  • Betrayal (eg HeimtÃÆ'¼cke in German law)

In the United States and Canada, the killings are referred to as first-degree murder or exacerbated. Murder, under British criminal law, always carries a life sentence, but not classified in degrees. Penalties for murder committed under incriminating circumstances are often higher, under English law, from a 15-year non-exemption period declared as the starting point for murder committed by adults.

Rules of mass murder

A legal doctrine in some common law jurisdictions extends the crime of murder: when a principal kills in a dangerous commission of crime, (regardless of intent), he is guilty of murder. The rules of crime killing are often justified by its supporters as a means of preventing harmful crimes, but Ryan Holle's case suggests it can be used very widely.

Year-and-day rules

In some general legal jurisdictions, the defendant accused of innocent murder if the victim survived for more than one year and one day after the attack. This reflects the possibility that if the victim dies, other factors will contribute to death, break the chain of cause and effect; and also means that the responsible person has no charge of murder "hanging over their heads indefinitely". Subject to the statute of limitations, the defendant can still be accused of an offense that reflects the seriousness of the initial attack.

With advances in modern medicine, most countries have left a fixed period of time and tested the cause on the facts of the case. This is known as "delayed death" and cases where it is applied or attempted to reapply to at least 1966.

In England and Wales, the "year-and-day rule" was abolished by the 1996 Law Reform Law (Year and Day). However, if deaths occur three years or more after the original attack, prosecution can be made only with the consent of the Attorney General.

In the United States, many jurisdictions have abolished the rules as well. The abolition of the rules has been resolved with the enactment of a statutory criminal law, which has the effect of replacing the general definition of crime-and defense law as appropriate. In 2001, the United States Supreme Court declared that the retroactive adoption of the state supreme court ruling that abolished the year-and-day rule did not violate the Ex Post Facto Clause of Article I of the United States Constitution.

The potential effects of completely eliminating the rules can be seen in the 74-year-old William Barnes case, accused of murdering a Philadelphia police officer Walter Barkley, whom he shot nearly 41 years earlier. Barnes had served 16 years in prison for trying to kill Barkley, but when the policeman died on August 19, 2007, it was thought to have come from the complications of the wounds inflicted by the shooting - and Barnes was accused of murder. He was released on May 24, 2010.

Chilling footage shows murderer and accomplice carrying victim's ...
src: brightcove04pmdo-a.akamaihd.net

Killings and natural selection

Martin Daly and Margo Wilson of McMaster University have claimed that some aspects of murder, including the genetic relationship between killers and their victims, (as in the Cinderella effect), can often be explained by the logic of evolutionary psychology.

How Do You Get Away With Murder? - Pacific Standard
src: psmag.com

Historical and religious attitudes

In the Abrahamic religions, the first murder was done by Cain against his brother Abel because of jealousy. In the past, several types of murders were legal and justified. Georg Oesterdiekhoff wrote:

Evans-Pritchard said of Nuer from Sudan: "Murder is not forbidden, and Nuer does not think it is wrong to kill a man in a fair battle, instead a man who kills another player in battle is admired for his courage and skill" (Evans-Pritchard 1956 : 195) This statement applies to most African tribes, to pre-modern Europeans, to Indigenous Australians, and to Native Americans, according to ethnographic reports from around the world.... Suicide has risen to a tremendous amount among the labor-seeking culture such as Papua. When a boy is born, the father must kill a man. He needs a name for his son and can only accept it by a man, he himself has killed. When a man wants to get married, he has to kill a man. When a man dies, his family again has to kill a man.

In many societies like that, the compensation is not through the legal system, but with blood revenge, although there may also be a form of payment that can be made instead - such as the weregild which in early Germanic society can be paid to the victims' families in lieu of their right to take revenge.

One of the oldest known known killings appears in Ur-Nammu Sumerian Code written roughly between 2100 and 2050 BC. The code states, "If a person commits murder, the person must be killed."

In the Jewish-Christian tradition, the prohibition against murder is one of the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses (Exodus: 20v13) and (Deuteronomy 5v17). Vulgate and the earlier English translations of the Bible use the term secretly kill his neighbors or kissing his neighbors secretly rather than murders for Latin < i> clam perkusserit proximum . The next editions such as Young's Literal Translation and World English Bible have translated the Latin occides just as a assassination instead of an alternative kill >, dropped on , or kill .

In Islam according to the Qur'an, one of the greatest sins is killing a human who does not commit a wrongdoing. "For that reason We decided to the Children of Israel that anyone who kills a man other than ordinary murder or corruption on earth, it will be as if he has killed all human beings, and whoever scooped one's life, it would be as if he has saved the lives of all human beings. "[Quran 5:32]" And those who do not cry out to other gods along with Allah do not take the life that Allah has reserved (of course) ) justice, or commit adultery - and whoever does this will pay the penalty. "[Quran 25:68]

The term assassin comes from Hashshashin, a militant Shiite militant sect, active from the 8th to 14th centuries. This mystical secret society killed the Abbasid elite, Fatimids, Seljuqs and Crusaders for political and religious reasons. The Thuggee cult that struck India was devoted to Kali, the goddess of death and destruction. According to some estimates Thuggees killed 1 million people between 1740 and 1840. The Aztecs believe that without regular blood sacrifices, the sun god Huitzilopochtli would withdraw his support for them and destroy the world as they know it. According to Ross Hassig, author of Aztec Warfare, "between 10,000 and 80,400 people" was sacrificed in 1487 re-ordinations of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan.

The southern slave code actually makes forced killings of slaves illegally in most cases. For example, the case of Mississippi 1860 Oliver v. State accused the defendant by killing his own slave. In 1811, a rich white planter Arthur Hodge was hanged for killing several of his slaves in his plantation in the British West Indies.

In Corsica, revenge is a social code that requires the Corsicans to kill anyone who violates the honor of their family. Between 1821 and 1852, no fewer than 4,300 murders were committed in Corsica.

Kevin Gates - Intro (Murder For Hire) - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com


The World Health Organization reported in October 2002 that a person was murdered every 60 seconds. An estimated 520,000 people were killed in 2000 worldwide. Another study estimates the rate of worldwide killings at 456,300 in 2010 with a 35% increase since 1990. Two-fifths of them are young people between the ages of 10 and 29 who were killed by other young people. Since murder is the most unlikely crime to be reported, murder statistics are seen as a determinant of overall crime rates.

The rate of homicide varies greatly among countries and communities around the world. In the Western world, the rate of killings in most countries has declined significantly during the 20th century and is now between 1 and 4 cases per 100,000 people per year.

Homicide rate by country

Murder rates in jurisdictions such as Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Iceland, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and Germany are among the lowest in the world, about 0.3-1 cases per 100,000 people per year; the level of the United States is among the highest in developed countries, around 4.5 in 2014, with figures in major cities sometimes over 40 per 100,000. The top ten murder rates are in Honduras (91.6 per 100,000), El Salvador, Ivory Coast, Venezuela, Belize, Jamaica, the US Virgin Islands, Guatemala, Saint Kitts, Nevis and Zambia. (UNODC, 2011 - full table here ).

The following absolute murder is calculated per-country is not comparable because it is not adjusted by the total population of each country. Nonetheless, they are incorporated here for reference, with 2010 being used as a base year (they may or may not include justifiable killing, depending on jurisdiction). There were 52,260 murders in Brazil, respectively raising the record recorded in 2009. More than half a million people were shot dead in Brazil between 1979 and 2003. 33,335 homicide cases were registered across India, some 19,000 murders committed in Russia, some 17,000 murders in Colombia (murder rate is 38 per 100,000 people, in 2008 murders fall to 15,000), about 16,000 murders in South Africa, about 15,000 murders in the United States, about 26,000 murders in Mexico, about 13,000 murders in Venezuela, about 4,000 murders in El Salvador, about 1,400 murders in Jamaica, about 550 murders in Canada and about 470 murders in Trinidad and Tobago. Pakistan reported 12,580 murders.

In the United States, 666,160 people were killed between 1960 and 1996. About 90% of US killings were committed by men. Between 1976 and 2005, 23.5% of all murder victims and 64.8% of victims killed by intimate partners were women. For women in the US, murder is the leading cause of death at work.

In the US, murder is the leading cause of death for African Americans aged 15 to 34. Between 1976 and 2008, African-Americans became victims of 329,825 murders. In 2006, the Additional Investigative Report of the Federal Bureau of Investigation showed that nearly half of the 14,990 murder victims were Black (7421). In 2007 the killing was not negligent, there were 3,221 black victims and 3,587 white people. While 2,905 black victims were killed by a black offender, 2,918 white victims were killed by white offenders. There were 566 white people who were victims of black offenders and 245 black victims of white offenders. The "whites" category in Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) includes non-black Hispanics. In London in 2006, 75% were victims of gun crime and 79% of the suspects were "from the African/Caribbean community". The demographic of murder is influenced by the increase in trauma care, which has resulted in a decrease in deadly killings - so the murder rate does not always indicate the overall level of social violence.

Workplace killing, which tripled during the 1980s, is the fastest-growing category of homicide in America.

The proliferation of murder rates from time to time in various countries is often used by supporters and opponents of capital punishment and gun control. By using properly filtered data, it is possible to make a case for or against any of these issues. For example, one can see the murder rate in the United States from 1950 to 2000, and note that that figure rose sharply shortly after the moratorium on the death penalty was effectively enforced in the late 1960s. This fact has been used to argue that the death penalty serves as a deterrent and is, therefore, morally justified. Opponents of heavy penalties often insist that the United States has a much higher murder rate than Canada and most of the EU countries, even though all those countries have abolished the death penalty. Overall, global patterns are too complex, and on average, the influence of these two factors may be insignificant and can become more social, economic, and cultural.

Despite major improvements in forensics in recent decades, the fraction of the murders that were solved has declined in the United States, from 90% in 1960 to 61% in 2007. Solved murder rates in major US cities varied in 2007 from 36% in Boston, Massachusetts to 76% in San Jose, California. The main factors affecting the arrest rate include the witness's cooperation and the number of people assigned to investigate the case.

History of homicide rate

According to the level of assassination of Pieter Spierenburg's scholar per 100,000 in Europe has fallen for centuries, from 35 per 100,000 in the middle ages, to 20 in 1500, 5 in 1700, to under two per 100,000 in 1900.

In the United States, murder rates are higher and fluctuate. They dropped below 2 per 100,000 in 1900, rising during the first half of the century, declining in the years after World War II, and hit a low of 4.0 in 1957 before rising again. This number persists in the range of 9 to 10 most of the period from 1972 to 1994, before falling to 5 in the present. The increase since 1957 would have been greater if not for a significant improvement in medical engineering and emergency response times, which meant that more and more attempted murder of survivors of killing survived. According to one estimate, if the lethal rate of a 1964 criminal offensive was still in place in 1993, the country would see a murder rate of about 26 per 100,000, almost three times the actual rate observed 9.5 per 100,000.

A similar pattern, but less prominent has been seen in major European countries as well. The rate of homicide in the UK dropped to 1 per 100,000 in the early 20th century and was as low as 0.62 per 100,000 in 1960, and at 1.28 per 100,000 in 2009. The murder rate in France (excluding Corsica) reached its lowest point. after World War II less than 0.4 per 100,000, quadrupling to 1.6 per 100,000 since then.

The specific factors that drive this dynamics into murder rates are complex and universally unapproved. Much of the rise in the rate of US killings during the first half of the 20th century is generally considered to be associated with gang violence associated with the Prohibition. Since most of the killings were committed by young men, the low rate of murder in nearly developed countries in 1960 can be attributed to low birth rates during the Great Depression and World War II. The cause of further steps is more controversial. Some of the more exotic factors claimed to affect the murder rate include the availability of abortion and the possibility of chronic exposure to lead during childhood (due to the use of leaded paint at home and tetraethyllead as a gasoline additive in an internal combustion engine).

Murder Island - Giant Bomb
src: static.giantbomb.com

Use of the term

In many countries, in news reports, journalists are usually careful not to mention murder as murder until the perpetrator is punished for committing murder. After being arrested, reporters wrote that the man was "arrested on suspicion of murder". When a prosecutor filed a lawsuit, the defendant was referred to as "the accused of the murderer".

Lido - Murder - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

See also

List related to killing
  • List of killings
  • List of homicide types
Topics related to killing
Legal killings by country

Murder Mystery: A Nightmare on Main Street - AY Mag - AY Is About You
src: aymag.com


Lido - Murder - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com


  • Lord Mustill on the Common Law about murder
  • Sir Edward Coke Co. Inst., Pt. III, ch.7, p.Ã, 50

Murder Mystery: A Nightmare on Main Street - AY Mag - AY Is About You
src: aymag.com

External links

  • Introduction and Latest Information on the Seville Statement on Violence
  • Seville Statement
  • United States Mortality Atlas - US Centers for Disease Control
  • Cezanne's portrayal of "Murder" - Liverpool National Museum

Source of the article : Wikipedia
