Jumat, 06 Juli 2018

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10 Tips That Can Make Anyone A Microsoft Word Expert
src: cdn.lifehack.org

In linguistics, the word is the smallest element that can be pronounced separately with objective or practical meaning.

This is in stark contrast to the morphemes, which are the smallest units of meaning but not necessarily independent. A word can consist of a single morpheme (eg: oh!, Rock, red, fast, running, expecting ), or some ( stones, reddish, fast, running, unexpected i>), while the morpheme may not stand alone as a word (in the words just mentioned, it is -s, -ness, -ly, -ing, un-, -ed ). A complex word will usually include root and one or more affix ( rock-s, red-ness, quick-ly, run-ning, un-expect-ed ), or more than one root in a compound ( black board, sandbox ). Words can be put together to build larger language elements, such as phrases ( red , prepared with ), clause ( i throw stones >), and sentence ( He throws a stone too, but he misses ).

The word word can refer to a spoken word or written word, or sometimes to the abstract concept behind both. The spoken words consist of a unit of sound called a phoneme, and the written words of a symbol called grapheme, like English letters of the alphabet.

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The difficulty of deciphering a word depends on the language. The dictionary categorizes the language lexicon (ie, vocabulary) into lemma. This can be taken as an indication of what is a "word" in the opinion of the linguists. The most appropriate way to measure the length of a word is to count the syllable or morpheme. When a word has multiple definitions or multiple senses, it can cause confusion in the debate or discussion.

Semantic definition

Leonard Bloomfield introduced the concept of "Minimal Free Forms" in 1926. Words are regarded as the smallest independent unit of speech. It connects the phoneme (unit of voice) with leksem (unit of meaning). However, some written words are not minimal free form because they are unreasonable (eg, the and of ).

Some semantics have proposed a theory called primitive semantics or semantic primes, words that can not be defined represent the basic concepts that are intuitively meaningful. According to this theory, semantic primes serve as a basis for describing meanings, without circles, other words and related conceptual denotations.


In Minimalist schools theoretical syntax, the words (also called lexical items in the literature) are interpreted as "bundles" of linguistic features incorporated into structures with shapes and meanings. For example, the word "koalas" has semantic features (it denotes real-world objects, koalas), feature categories (it's a noun), feature numbers (it's plural and must agree with verbs, pronouns, and demonstrative in its domain) phonological features (spoken in a certain way), etc.


The task of defining what is a "word" involves determining where one word ends and another begins - in other words, identifies the word limit. There are several ways to determine where an oral spoken word boundary should be placed:

  • Potential pause : A speaker is asked to repeat the sentence slowly, allowing for pause. Speakers will tend to enter a pause at the word boundary. However, this method is not very easy: the speaker can easily break many stylized words, or fail to separate two or more closely related words (eg "be" in "He goes home").
  • Indicity : A speaker is told to utter a sentence aloud, and then is told to recite the sentence again with additional words added to it. So, I have lived in this village for ten years may be My family and I have lived in this little village for about ten years or more . These additional words will tend to be added within the word limit of the original sentence. However, some languages ​​have infix, which is inserted into the word. Likewise, some have affixes that can be separated; in the German sentence "Ich komme gut zu. Hause an ", the verb ankommen is separated.
  • Phonetic limit : Some languages ​​have certain pronunciation rules that make it easy to indicate where the word limit should be. For example, in a language that regularly emphasizes the last syllable, the word limit is likely to fall after every syllable is emphasized. Other examples can be seen in languages ​​that have vocal harmony (like Turkey): the vowels in the given word have the same quality , so the word limit is likely to occur every time the vocal quality changes. However, not all languages ​​have such convenient phonetic rules, and even those that do present occasional exceptions.
  • Orthographical boundaries : See below.


In a language with a literary tradition, there is a link between orthography and the question of what is considered a word. Word separators (usually spaces) are common in modern language orthography using alphabetical scripts, but these (except isolated precedents) are relatively modern developments (see also the history of writing).

In English orthography, multiple expressions may contain spaces. For example, the ice cream , air attack protection and wake are generally considered to consist of more than one word (because each component is a form free, with the possible exception of get ).

Not all languages ​​limit the words clearly. Chinese is a very analytic language (with little inflexional affinity), so there is no need to limit the words orthographically. However, there are many double morpheme compounds in Mandarin, as well as various bound morphemes which make it difficult to clearly define what constitutes a word.

Sometimes, very strict language will grammatically consider the same word order in different ways. For example, reflexive verbs in infinitive French are separated from each particle, for example seaver ("for self-washing"), while in Portuguese they are hyphenated, eg. lavar-se , and in Spain they join, e.g. lavarse .

Japan uses orthographic cues to limit words such as switching between kanji (Chinese characters) and two syllable kana. This is a pretty soft rule, since the content words can also be written in hiragana for effects (although if done extensively the space is usually added to maintain readability).

Vietnam's Orthography, despite using the Latin alphabet, restricts monosilaphy morphemes rather than words.

In character encoding, the word segmentation depends on the character defined as the word divisor.

Maps Word


Morphology is the study of the formation and structure of words. In synthetic language, a single word bar (for example, love ) may have a number of different forms (eg, loving , loving >, and loved ). However, for some purposes, this is not usually regarded as different words, but different forms of the same word. In these languages, words can be considered constructed from a number of morphemes.

In Indo-European languages ​​in particular, differentiated morphemes are

  • Root.
  • Optional suffix.
  • Infixional suffix.

Thus, Proto-Indo-European * wr? Dhom will be analyzed as consisting of

  1. * wr? - , the zero value of the * wer - .
  2. A root-extension * - dh - (diachronic suffix), resulting in root complex * wr? dh - .
  3. The thematic * - o - .
  4. Accumative neutral or single accusative numeral suffix * - m .

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src: oakstraining.com


Philosophers have discovered the words of attraction objects since at least the 5th century BC, with the foundations of linguistic philosophy. Plato analyzed words based on their origin and the sounds that formed them, concluding that there is a relationship between sound and meaning, even though words change over time. John Locke writes that the use of the words "is a sign of a plausible idea", although they are chosen "not by any natural connection that exists between certain articulate sounds and certain ideas, for there will be only one language between all men, but by voluntary imposition, where such a word is arbitrarily made as a sign of such an idea ". Wittgenstein's thought transitions from one word as a representation of meaning to "the meaning of the word is its use in language."

Archeology shows that even for centuries before this appeal by philosophers in the 5th century BC, many languages ​​have various ways of expressing this verbal unit, which in turn varied and evolved into various expressions with broad philosophical meanings. The ancient manuscript of the Gospel of John is expressed in the fifth chapter of Rabonni Y'shua that punishes the Pharisees who expect to find life in writings rather than themselves. This may possibly lead to John's introduction in the description chapter in the Greek translation as "logos". A distinguished scholar, early scholar and priest, Thomas Aquinas, influenced Cartesian and mathematical philosophy by interpreting such parts consistently with his philosophy of logic.

WordCounter - Count Words & Correct Writing
src: wordcounter.net


Grammar classifies language lexicons into several groups of words. The basic bipartite division possible for almost any natural language is the noun vs. verbs.

The classification into these classes is in the Dionysius Thrax tradition, which distinguishes eight categories: nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, forewords, adverbs, conjunctions, and exclamations.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
