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Alien Hand Syndrome - YouTube

Alien hand syndrome ( AHS ) or Dr. Strangelove Syndrome is a condition in which a person experiences a member of their body acting alone, without control of his actions. This term is used for various clinical conditions and most often affects the left hand. There are many similar names that are used to describe various forms of conditions but are often used inappropriately. The afflicted person can sometimes grab objects and manipulate them without wanting to do so, even having to use hand that can be controlled to hold the alien hand. While under normal circumstances, thoughts, intentions, and actions can be assumed to be mutually entangled, the incidence of foreign hand syndrome can be useful to be conceptualized as a phenomenon that reflects the functional "separation" between thought and action.

Alien hand syndrome is best documented in cases where a person has two hemispheres separated surgically, a procedure that is sometimes used to relieve symptoms of extreme epilepsy and epilepsy psychosis, for example, temporal lobe epilepsy. It also occurs in some cases after brain surgery, stroke, infection, tumor, aneurysm, migraine and certain degenerative brain conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Other areas of the brain associated with foreign hand syndrome are the frontal, occipital, and parietal lobes.

Video Alien hand syndrome

Signs and symptoms

"Behavior of strangers" can be distinguished from reflexive behavior in the first is flexible purposive while the latter is mandatory. Sometimes the sufferer will not realize what the alien hand does until it is brought to its attention, or until the hand does something that draws their attention to its behavior. There is a clear distinction between the behavior of both hands where the affected hand is seen as "stubborn" and sometimes "disobedient" and generally out of their own voluntary control domain, while the unaffected hand is under normal will control. Sometimes, especially in patients who have damaged the corpus callosum connecting the two hemispheres (see also split brain), the hands appear to act contrary to each other.

The related syndrome described by the French neurologist FranÃÆ'§ois Lhermitte involves the release through disinhibition of a tendency to use objects compulsively displaying themselves in the surrounding environment around the patient. The patient's behavior, in a sense, is obliged to relate to "affordances" (using the terminology introduced by American ecological psychologist James J. Gibson) presented by objects located within the immediate personal-peri environment.

This condition, called "behavioral utilization", is most often associated with extensive bilateral frontal lobe damage and may in fact be considered a "bilateral" foreign hand syndrome in which the patient is compulsively directed by the possibility of an external environment (eg the presence of a hairbrush on the table in front they raise the brushing action) and lack the capacity to "hold" and inhibit the pre-potential motor programs that are mandatory associated with the presence of certain external objects in the personal patience room of the patient. When the frontal lobe damage is bilateral and generally wider, the patient actually loses the ability to act independently and becomes completely dependent on the surrounding environmental indicators to guide his behavior in a general social context, a condition known as "environmental dependency syndrome".

To handle the hands of aliens, some patients are involved in the personification of affected hands. Usually these names are negative, from mild like "mischievous" to "evil monster" from the moon. "For example, Doody and Jankovic describe a patient who names his alien hand" baby Joseph. "When the hands engage in fun and intriguing activities such as pinching his nipples (like biting while nursing), he will experience entertainment and will order Joseph's baby to "stop being naughty." Furthermore, Bogen suggests that certain personality characteristics, such as flamboyant personalities, contribute to the frequent personification of affected hands.

Neuroimaging and pathological studies suggest that the frontal lobes (in the frontal variants) and the corpus callosum (in callosal variants) are the most common anatomic lesions responsible for alien hand syndrome. These areas are closely linked in terms of motor planning and the ultimate path.

Kalosal variants include motor actions to be performed by non-dominant hands, where patients often show "human conflict" in which one hand acts with another "hands-on" goal. For example, a patient is observed to insert cigarettes into his mouth with his whole hand and "controlled" (right and dominant hand), followed by his alien, non-dominant left hand, to hold a cigarette, withdraw his cigarette. get out of his mouth, and throw it away before it can be turned on by the controlled and dominant right hand. The patient then suspected that "I do not think 'she' wants me to smoke that cigarette." Another patient was observed buttoning his blouse with dominant hand controlled while a non-dominant foreign hand, at the same time, unbuttoned his blouse. Frontal variants most often affect the dominant hand, but can affect both hands depending on lateralisation of medial frontal cortex damage, and include reflexive grasp, impulsive fingers on objects or/and grasping tonics (ie difficulty in releasing grip).

In most cases, classic alien signatures are derived from medial frontal cortex damage, accompanying damage to the corpus callosum. In these patients the main cause of damage is unilateral or bilateral cortical infarction in regions supplied by the anterior cerebral artery or related artery. Oxygenated blood is supplied by the anterior cerebral artery to a medial portion of the frontal lobe and to the anterior two thirds of the corpus callosum, and infarction can result in damage to several adjacent sites in the brain in the region provided. Because medial frontal lobe damage is often associated with lesions in the corpus callosum, cases of frontal variants may also appear with signs of callosal form. Cases of damage limited to callosum however, tend not to show signs of front-frontal hand.

Maps Alien hand syndrome


A common factor that arises in alien hand syndrome is that the primary motor movement that controls hand movements is isolated from the influence of the premotor cortex but is generally still intact in its ability to perform hand movements.

A 2009 fMRI study looked at the temporary sequence of activation of cortical tissue components associated with voluntary movements in normal individuals showing "anterior-to-posterior anterior gradient of activity from additional motor areas through the premotor and motor cortex to the posterior parietal cortex." Therefore, with normal voluntary movements, the flavors emerging from the agency appear to be related to a sequence of successive activations that develop initially in the anteromedial frontal cortex around complementary motor compounds on the medial surface of the frontal aspect of the hemisphere (including additional motor areas) > before for major motor cortex activation in the pre-centered gyrus on the lateral aspect of the hemisphere, when hand movement is being produced. Activation of the primary motor cortex, allegedly involved directly in the execution of action through projection into the corticospinal component of the pyramidal tract, is then followed by activation of the posterior parietal cortex, possibly associated with recurrent resi- dards or Feedback of recurrent somatosensory generated from periphery by motion which usually interact with the efferent copies transmitted from the primary motor cortex to allow the movement to be recognized as self-generated rather than imposed by external forces. That is, a copy of the earmary allows a recurrent afferent somatosensory stream from a fringe associated with a self-generated motion to be recognized as re-afference as distinct from ex-aference . The failure of this mechanism can lead to failure to distinguish between externally produced and externally produced limb movements. An anomalous situation in which the re-afference of self-generated movements is erroneously listed as an ex-afference because of the failure to produce and successfully transmit copies of the eference to the sensory cortex, can easily lead to the interpretation that what is actually self-produced Movement has been generated by external forces as a result of the failure to develop a sense of agency in relation to the emergence of self-generated movements (see below for a more detailed discussion).

A 2007 fMRI study examined differences in alien-functional functional activation patterns compared with non-alien volitional movements in patients with alien hand syndrome found that the alien movement involved activation of isolated anomalies from the primary motor cortex in the contralateral damaged hemisphere into the hands of the aliens, while the non-alien movement involves the normal process of activation described in the preceding paragraph in which the primary motor cortex in the intact hemisphere is active in concert with the frontal prothal cortex and the posterior parietal cortex may be involved in normal cortical tissue producing premotor effect on the primary motor cortex along with immediate post-motorized re-afferent activation of the posterior parietal cortex.

Combining these two fMRI studies, one can hypothesize that alien behavior unaccompanied by agency flavor arises from autonomous activity in the main motor cortex acting independently of the pre-activation effect of the premotor cortex which is usually associated with the emergence of a sense of agency associated with action execution.

As mentioned above, these ideas can also be associated with the concept of eference copy and reincident, where copy eference is a postulated signal to be directed from the premotor cortex (activated normally in the process associated with the emergence of internally generated motion) into the somatosensory cortex of the parietal region, prior to the arrival of the "re-afferent" input resulting from the moving extremities, that is, the afferent return of the moving limbs associated with the self-generated motion produced. It is generally assumed that a movement is acknowledged as an internal result when the signal copy of the eference effectively "cancels" the receipt. The afferent return of the extremity is effectively correlated with the efferent saline signal so that refference can be recognized as such and distinguished from the "ex-aference", which will be the afferent return of the extremity produced by the forced external force. When the copy of the eference is no longer generated normally, the return of afferents from the limb associated with the self-generated motion is considered an external "exference" because it is no longer correlated with or abrogated by the copy of its effers.. Consequently, the development of the notion that a movement is not generated internally even if it is actually (ie the failure of the agency flavor to emerge with that movement), may indicate the failure of the copy generation of its effers. signals associated with the normal pramotor process through which movement is prepared for execution.

Because there is no disruption of ownership of the branch (a concept discussed in the Wikipedia entry about agency feelings) in this situation, and there is no clear physical explanation of how Dahan's possession can move purposively without the sense of the relevant agency, effectively through its own strength, cognitive dissonance is created that can be solved through the assumption that a goal-directed movement of the extremity is being directed by an unidentifiable "alien" external force with the capacity to direct actions directed at the goal of the limbs themselves.


It is theorized that the result of alien hand syndrome when disconnection occurs between different parts of the brain involved in various aspects of body movement control. As a result, different regions of the brain are able to command body movement, but can not evoke a conscious sense of self-control over these movements. As a result, the "sense of agency" usually associated with voluntary movements is disrupted or lost. There is a dissociation between processes associated with the actual execution of the physical movements of the limbs and the processes that generate a sense of internal voluntary control over movement, with this latter process so that it usually creates an internal conscious sensation that movement is being initiated internally, controlled and produced by an active self.

Recent studies have examined the neurological correlation with the emergence of a sense of agency under normal circumstances. This seems to involve a consistent alignment between what is produced through the efferent outflow to the muscles of the body, and what is perceived as a supposed product on the periphery of this efferent command signal. In foreign hand syndrome, neural mechanisms involved in establishing that this alignment has occurred may be impaired. This may involve abnormalities in brain mechanisms that distinguish between "referensia" (ie, the return of kinesthetic sensations of the self-generated "active" extreme movement) and "ex-aference" (ie, kinesthetic sensations resulting from the 'passive' extreme movement produced externally where the active self does not participate). This brain mechanism is proposed to involve the production of parallel "eference copy" signals sent directly to the somatic sensory region and converted to "reasonable discharge", the expected afferent signal from the periphery to be generated from the actuated performance. by the efferent signal issued. The correlation of a reasonable release signal with the actual afferent signals returning from the periphery can then be used to determine whether, in fact, the intended action takes place as expected. When the perceived outcome of the action matches the predicted outcome, it can be labeled as a self-result and associated with the emergence of an emergency.

However, if the neural mechanisms involved in building this sensorimotor relationship are related to the wrong self-generating action, it is hoped that the agent's sense of action will not develop as discussed in the previous section.

Loss of resistance

One theory proposed to explain this phenomenon suggests that the brain has an inseparable "premotor" or "body" system for managing the process of transforming intent into action. The frontal anteromedial frontotor system is involved in the process of directing the exploration action based on the "internal" drive by releasing or reducing the inhibition control over the action.

Reporting of recent papers on the recording of neuronal units in the medial frontal cortex on human subjects showed a clear pre-activation of neurons identified in this area up to several hundred milliseconds before the onset of auto-generated fingers and the authors were able to develop computational models in which the will arises after changes the internal neuronal burning rate in this part of the brain crosses the threshold. Damage to the anteromedial premotor system results in the disinhibition and release of exploration and acquisition actions of objects that subsequently occur autonomously. A premorative temporo-parieto-occipital posterolateral system has the same inhibitory control over the action of interest from environmental stimuli as well as the ability to stimulate actions that are dependent on and driven by external stimulation, which is different from internal drives. Both of these intrahemispheric systems, each of which activate opposite cortical "tropism", interact through mutual inhibitions that maintain a dynamic balance between approaching (ie with "intention-to-catch" where contact with and grasping to the attended object is sought) versus withdraw from (ie with "intention-to-escape" in which distancing from the attended object is sought) environmental stimuli in the behavior of the contralateral limbs. Together, these two intrahemispheric agent systems form an integrated trans-hemispheric agency system.

When the frontal anteromedial "escapes" the system is damaged, it is not intentional but the motion aims from exploratory-and-grasping exploratory properties - what Denny-Brown is called a positive cortical tropism - released in contralateral limbs. This is referred to as positive cortical tropism because it creates sensory stimulation, as will result from tactile contact on the volar aspect of the fingers and the palms, associated with increased activation of the movement. or increase the stimulation of generating through positive feedback connections (see above discussion in the section titled "Parietal and Occipital Lobes").

When the parieto-ocipital posterari "approach" system is damaged, accidental intentional movements of release-and-pull properties, such as levitation and instinctive avoidance-so-called Denny-Brown as negative cortical tropism released on a contralateral limb. This is referred to as negative cortical tropism because it generates sensory stimulation, as will result from tactile contact on the volar aspect of the fingers and the palm of the hand, associated with activation of motion that reduces or eliminates the arousing stimulation through negative feedback ( see the discussion above in the section titled "Parietal and Occipital Lobes").

Each intrahemispheric agency system has the potential to act autonomously in its control over the contralateral branches even though the integrated integrative control of the two hands is maintained through interhemispheric communication between these systems through projection across the corpus callosum at the cortical level and other interhemical relationships linking the two hemispheres at the subcortical level.

Hemispheric termination due to injury

One of the major differences between the two hemispheres is the direct relationship between the agency system of the dominant hemisphere and the coding system that is primarily based on the dominant hemisphere linking the action with its production and through its interpretation with the thought of encoded language and language. Agents realize that the overall unity that appears in the intact brain is primarily based on the dominant hemisphere and closely related to the organization of language capacity. It is proposed that while relational action in the form of intersubjective behavior embodied precedes linguistic capacity during infant development, a process occurs through the course of development in which the linguistic construct is related to the action element to produce a language-based action encoding. knowledge-oriented.

When there is a major disconnection between the two hemispheres of a callosal injury, the dominant language-bound hemisphere agent maintains its ultimate control over the loss of the dominant extremity, to some extent, direct control and links to separate "agents" based on the non-dominant hemisphere, not dominant, who were previously responsive and "obedient" to the dominant conscious agent. Possible directional actions that occur outside of the dominant influence of conscious dominant agents can occur and the basic assumption that both hands are controlled through and subject to the dominant agent is proven wrong. The sense of agency that usually arises from non-dominant limb movements is no longer developing, or, at least, no longer accessible to consciousness. A new narrative explanation to understand the situation in which the non-dominant non-dominant hemisphere-based agent is now able to activate the non-dominant limb is required.

In such circumstances, two separate agents can control the simultaneous action of two limbs directed at opposite ends although the dominant hand remains linked with the language-related agent that is consciously accessible and is seen as continuing to be under "conscious control" and obedient to the conscious desire and intent which is accessible through the mind, while the non-dominant hand, directed by an essentially non-verbal agent whose intention can only be inferred by the dominant agent after the fact, is no longer "bound" and subject to the dominant. agents and thus identified by a dominant agent of language-based conscious as a separate and inaccessible alien agent and its associated existence. This theory will explain the emergence of alien behavior in non-dominant limb and intermanual conflicts between two limbs in the presence of damage to the corpus callosum.

Antideromedial, frontal, and posterolateral temporo-parieto-occipital differences of alien hand syndrome will be explained by selective injuries either on the frontal or posterior components of the agency system in a particular hemisphere, with the relevant and specific forms of behavioral aliens developing in extremities to extremities to the hemisphere damaged brain.

Alien Hand Syndrome Examined On 'Stuff You Should Know' (VIDEO ...


Corpus callosum

Damage to the corpus callosum can lead to "purposed" action in the hands of non-dominant sufferers (an individual who is left-dominant will experience the left hand to be alien, and the right hand will turn into aliens in a person with a true dominance -hemisphere).

In the "callosal variant", the patient's hands counteract the voluntary action perpetrated by another, "good" hand. Two phenomena commonly found in patients with callosal foreign hands are dyspraxia agonistic and dyspraxia diagonis .

Agonistic dyspraxia involves the automatic execution of compulsive motor orders with one hand when the patient is asked to perform movements with the other hand. For example, when a patient with callosal damage is instructed to pull the chair forward, the affected hand will convincingly and impulsively push the chair back. Agonistic dyspraxia can thus be seen as an unintentional competitive interaction between the two hands directed towards the completion of desired action in which the affected hand competes with the unaffected hand to complete the purposive action originally intended to be performed by the unaffected hand.

Diagonistic dyspraxia, on the other hand, involves a conflict between the desired action in which unaffected hands have been implicated and the affected interventions working against the desired objective action are intended to be carried out by unaffected hands. For example, when an Akelaitis patient undergoes corpus callosum surgery to reduce epileptic seizures, one's left hand will often interfere with the right hand. For example, when trying to flip to the next page with his right hand, his left hand will try to close the book.

In other cases of the callosal foreign hand, the patient does not suffer from intermanual conflict between the hands but rather from the symptoms marked by the unconscious mirror movement of the affected hand. When the patient is asked to perform a movement with one hand, the other hand will unknowingly perform a continuous mirror image movement even when the unconscious movement is brought to the attention of the patient, and the patient is required to withstand the movement of the mirror. The patient suffers from aneurysm rupture near the anterior cerebral artery, resulting in the right hand being mirrored by the left hand. Patients describe the left hand often annoying and taking over whatever the patient is trying to do with the right hand. For example, when trying to hold a glass of water with your right hand with the right side approach, your left hand will reach unknowingly and hold the glass through the left side approach.

Recently, Geschwind et al. describes the case of a woman suffering from severe coronary heart disease. One week after undergoing a coronary artery bypass graft, she realizes that her left hand begins to "live her own life". It will unbutton her dress, try to strangle her while sleeping and will automatically fight with her right hand to answer the phone. He must physically hold the affected hand with his right hand to prevent injury, a behavior that has been called "self-limitation". The left hand also shows signs of severe ideomotor apraxia. It is capable of mimicking action but only with the help of mirror movements run by the right hand (allowing synkinesis). Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Geschwind et al. found damage to the posterior half of the callosal body, sparing half of the anterior and splenium stretched slightly into the white matter underlying the right cingulate cortex.

Frontal lobe

Unilateral injury to the medial aspect of the frontal lobe of the brain can trigger reaching, grasping, and other movements aimed at the contralateral hand. With anteromedial frontal lobe injury, these movements often explore explorative movements in which external objects are often grasped and utilized functionally, without the simultaneous perception of the patient that they "control" these movements. Once the object has been acquired and retained in grasping the "front variant" shape of the foreign hand, the patient often has difficulty with voluntarily releasing the object from the grasp and can sometimes be seen peeling the fingers of the hand back the grasped object using the opposite controlled hand to allow the release of a grasped object (also called a grasping tonic or "instinctive grasping reaction"). Some (eg, Derek Denny-Brown neurologist) have referred to this behavior as "magnetic apraxia"

Goldberg and Bloom describe a woman suffering from a large cerebral infarct from the medial surface of the left frontal lobe in the region of the left anterior cerebral artery that leaves it with a frontal variant of the alien hand involving the right hand. There are no signs of termination or there is evidence of callosal damage. Patients shown often understand reflexes; his right hand will grab and grab the object without releasing it. With regard to tonic grasping, the more patients try to release the object, the more the grip of the object is tightened. With a focused effort, the patient can release the object, but if disturbed, the behavior will re-start. The patient can also release the object gripped by force by peeling his fingers from contact with the object using the left hand intact. In addition, the hand will scratch the patient's foot as far as the orthotic device is needed to prevent injury. Other patients report not only a tonic that holds objects nearby, but the alien hand will hold the patient's penis and engage in public masturbation.

The parietal and occipital lobes

The different "posterior" shape of alien hand syndrome is associated with damage to the posterolateral parietal lobe and/or the brain's cerebral lobe. The movements in this situation tend to be more likely to draw palmar surfaces away from sustainable environmental contacts rather than reaching out to capture the object to produce palmar touch stimulation, as is most often seen in the frontal form of the condition. In the frontal variant, contact touching on the ventral surface of the palm and the fingers facilitates flexion of the finger and understands the object through positive feedback loops (ie the stimulus produces a strengthening motion, strengthens and maintains stimulatory stimulation).

In contrast, in the posterior variant, contact touch on the ventral surface of the palm and the fingers is actively avoided through facilitation of finger extension and palm retraction in negative feedback circles (ie stimuli, and even the anticipation of palm surface stimulation, resulting in palm movements and fingers that reduce and effectively neutralize and eliminate stimulating triggers, or, in case of palmar contact is anticipated, reducing the likelihood of such contact). The alien movement in the posterior variant of the syndrome also tends to be less coordinated and exhibits rough ataxic movement during active movements that are generally not observed in the frontal form of the condition. This is generally thought to be caused by the optic form of ataxia because it is facilitated by the visual existence of an object with visual attention directed to the object. Visible instability can be caused by the unstable interaction between the tactile avoidance tendency that is biased towards the withdrawal of the object, and the tendency of visual-based acquisition bias that leads to the approach to the object.

The alien extremity in the posterior variant of the syndrome can be seen to "float" upward into the air away from the contact surface through the activation of anti-gravity muscles. The movement of foreign hands in the posterior variant may indicate typical posture, sometimes referred to as "parietal hand" or "instinctive evasion reaction" (a term coined by Derek Denny-Brown neurologist as an inverted form of "magnetic apraxia" seen in frontal variants , as mentioned above), in which the digits move to a highly extended position with active extension of the interphalangeal joints of the digits and hyper-extension of the metacarpophalangeal joint, and the palmar surface of the hand is actively pulled back away from the approaching or rising object and away from the supporting surface. However, the "alien" movement remains purposeful and purposeful, a point that clearly distinguishes these movements from other unorganized non-conscious limb movements (eg athetosis, chorea, or myoclonus).

The equation between the frontal and posterior variants

In the frontal and posterior variants of alien hand syndrome, the patient's reaction to the apparent ability of the extremities to perform actions directed at goals independent of conscious will is similar. In both variants of foreign hand syndrome, foreign hands appear in contralateral hands to the damaged hemispheres.

Invisibilia': The Otherworldly Alien Hand Syndrome, Animated | WUWM


There is no cure for foreign hand syndrome. However, the symptoms can be reduced and managed to some extent by keeping foreign hands occupied and engaged in tasks, for example by giving it an object to hold in its grasp. Specifically studied tasks can restore control voluntarily from the hand to a significant degree. One patient with a "frontal" form of an alien hand that will reach out to capture a different object (eg, door handle) as he walks is given a stick to hold in the alien hand while walking, though he really does not need a stick for ordinary purposes to help balance and facilitate ambulation. With a stick firmly in the grip of an alien hand, it generally will not release the grasp and drop the stick to reach out to capture different objects. Other techniques that are proven effective include; clamp hands between legs or slap them; warm water applications and visual contacts or touch. In addition, Wu et al. found that annoying alarms that are activated by biofeedback reduce the time an alien hand holds an object.

In the presence of unilateral damage to a single hemisphere, there is generally a gradual reduction in the frequency of observed foreign behavior over time and the gradual recovery of voluntary control over the affected hand. In fact, when AHS is derived from acute onset focal injury, recovery usually occurs within one year. One theory is that neuroplasticity in the bihemispheric and subcortical brain systems involved in the production of voluntary movements can serve to rebuild the relationship between the executive production process and the process of self-formation and internal registration. Exactly how this can happen is not well understood, but the gradual recovery process of foreign hand syndrome when damage is limited to a single hemisphere has been reported. In some cases, patients may be forced to limit the disobedient, undesirable and sometimes embarrassing actions of disrupted hands by voluntarily grasping the disrupted forearm of a disembodied hand. This observed behavior is called "self-restriction" or "self-grasping".

In other approaches, patients are trained to perform certain tasks, such as moving an alien hand to contact a particular object or a very prominent environmental target, which is a movement that the patient can learn to volunteer through focused training to effectively override alien behavior. It is possible that some of these trainings result in reorganization of the premotor system in the damaged hemisphere, or, alternatively, that ipsilateral control of the extremities of the whole cleavage can be expanded.

Another method involves simultaneously "muffling" the act of the foreign hand and limiting the sensory feedback that returns to the hand of environmental contact by placing it in a limited "cloak" such as a soft foam special hand orthosis or, alternatively, the daily oven. gloves. Other patients have reported using an orthotic tool to limit the persistence of holding or holding the alien hand by securing it to the bedpost. Of course, this can limit the extent to which the hand can participate in addressing the functional objectives for the patient and can be considered an unjustifiable restraint.

Theoretically, this approach can slow the process through which the voluntary control of the hands is restored if the underlying neuroplasticity of recovery involves voluntary exercise of voluntary will to control hand action in a functional context and strengthening related experience through deliberate success. suppression of alien behavior.

Alien hand syndrome - Coub - GIFs with sound


The first known case described in the medical literature appears in a detailed case report published in Germany in 1908 by renowned German neuroscientist Kurt Goldstein. In this paper, Goldstein describes a woman's right hand who suffered a stroke affecting her left side from which she had recovered partly as she was seen. However, her left arm looked as if it belonged to someone else and did an action that seemed to happen regardless of her wish.

The patient complains of a "strange" feeling in relation to movements directed at left hand movements and insists that "others" are moving the left hand, and that he is not moving on his own. When the left hand holds an object, he can not voluntarily release it. The sense of touch and proprioception from the left side is disrupted. The left hand will make spontaneous movements, such as wiping the face or rubbing the eyes, but this is relatively rare. With significant effort, he is able to move his left arm in response to the spoken commands, but the conscious movement is slower or less precise than a similar unconscious motion.

Goldstein developed the "doctrine of motor apraxia" in which he discussed the generation of voluntary actions and proposed the brain structure for higher temporal and spatial cognition, will and cognitive processes. Goldstein states that the structure is conceptually governing the body and external space necessary for the perception of objects as well as for voluntary action on external objects.

In his classic paper reviewing the various disconnection syndromes associated with focal brain pathology, Norman Geschwind commented that Kurt Goldstein "may be the first to emphasize non-unity of personality in patients with the callosal passage, and possible psychiatric effects".

Alien Hand Syndrome

In popular culture

  • In the Stanley Kubrick movie of 1964 Dr. Strangelove, the eponymous character played by Peter Sellers apparently suffers from foreign hand syndrome, because he can not stop himself from doing Nazi salute. "Dr Strangelove syndrome" is suggested as the official name for AHS. This is not approved, although it is sometimes used as an alternate name.
  • In the episode Home "Both Sides Now", a patient has foreign hand syndrome.
  • Dark Matters: Twisted But True episode - a documentary show on Discovery Science - describes the alien hand syndrome and traces its history.
  • In the episode of "South Park " Butt Head and Fat Pancake ", Eric Cartman suffers from foreign hand syndrome.
  • In the horror film 1999 Handsome Hand , the main character suffers from foreign hand syndrome.
  • The Indian comedy Tamil 2017 Peechaankai is about someone with AHS.
  • In Season 2 of Scream Queens , Dr. Brock Holt seems to be suffering from alien hand syndrome.

Psychology of Medicine: Alien hand syndrome

See also

  • Disturbance of body integrity identity

Psychology of Medicine: Alien hand syndrome


A study on the alien hand syndrome Custom paper Academic Writing ...

The work cited

  • Bryant, Charles W. (12 September 2007). "How to Work Alien Hand Syndrome". HowStuffWorks . Retrieved October 6th, 2011 . Ã,
  • "Definition of Alien Hand Syndrome". December 15, 2000 . Retrieved October 6th, 2011 .

My Alien Hand Syndrome (Warning: Creepy!) - YouTube

External links

  • Recent review articles from Archives of Neurology by I. Biran and A. Chatterjee

Source of the article : Wikipedia
