Evil , in a general sense, is the absence or opposite of what is described as being good. Often, crime shows profound immorality. In certain religious contexts, evil is described as a supernatural power. The definition of evil varies, as does the motive analysis. However, elements commonly associated with crime involve disproportionate behavior involving anger, revenge, fear, hatred, psychological trauma, wisdom, selfishness, ignorance, or neglect.
In a culture with an Abrahamic religious background, evil is usually regarded as a binary dualistic antagonist opposite to good, (possibly following the influence of Persian Zoroastrians) where goodness must prevail and evil must be defeated.
In a culture with Buddhist spiritual influence, good and evil are considered part of the antagonistic duality that must be overcome by attaining Nirvana .
Philosophical questions about good and evil are incorporated into three main areas of study: Meta-ethics about good and evil, Normative ethics on how we should behave, and Applied ethics on certain moral issues.
While the term is applied to events and conditions without agents, the crime forms discussed in this article consider criminals or perpetrators.
Video Evil
The modern English word evil (Old English yfel ) and the original words are like German language ÃÆ'Ã… "bell and Dutch is widely thought to be derived from the reconstructed Proto-Germanic form of * ubilaz , comparable to Hittite huwapp - ultimately from Proto- Indo- European Form * wap - and suffixed the form of the class-zero * up-elo - . Other later Germanic forms include the Middle English evel , ifel , ufel , Old Frisian evel (adjectives and nouns), Old Saxon ubil , Old German High ubil , and Gothic ubils .
The basic meaning of the word is an unclear origin even though it is shown similar to that of modern Germany. with the basic idea to go beyond limits.
Maps Evil
Chinese moral philosophy
- Main: Confucian Ethics, Confucianism and Taoist Ethics
Like Buddhism, in Confucianism or Taoism, there is no direct analogue to the good and evil ways that are opposed despite referring to the common Satanic influence in Chinese folk religion. Confucianism's main concern is with proper social relationships and appropriate behavior for educated or superior people. Thus crime will correspond to wrong behavior. Still less it maps to Taoism, regardless of the centrality of dualism in the system, but the opposite of the cardinal goodness of Taoism, compassion, moderation, and humility can be summed up as an analogue of evil in it.
European philosophy
Benedict de Spinoza menyatakan
1. Well, I understand what we know is useful to us 2. With evil, on the contrary, I understand what we must know prevents us from having something good.
Spinoza assumes a quasi-mathematical force and declares this further proposition which is intended to prove or demonstrate from the above definition in section IV of his book Ethics :
- Proposition 8 " Knowledge of goodness or evil is nothing but the influence of joy or sorrow as far as we are aware. "
- Proposition 30 " Nothing can be evil through what is shared with our nature, but the extent of evil to us is against us.
- Proposition 64 " Knowledge of crime is inadequate knowledge. "
- The natural consequence " Therefore, if the human mind does not have enough ideas, it will not form the idea of ​​evil. "
- Proposition 65 " According to the guidance of reason, of two good things, we will follow the greater good, and the two evil, follow the less. "
- Proposition 68 " If men are born free, they will not form the concepts of kindness and evil as long as they are free. "
Friedrich Nietzsche, in rejection of Judeo-Christian morality, discusses this in two works Beyond Good and Evil and In Moral Genealogy where he basically says that the natural, functional is not -he has been socially converted into a religious concept of evil by the weak and oppressed mass slave mentality that hates their (strong) master.
Carl Jung
Carl Jung, in his book
Although the book may have a sudden birth, the period of her pregnancy in Jung's subconscious is long. The subject of God, and what Jung sees as the dark side of God, is a lifelong preoccupation. The emotional and theoretical struggle with the core nature of divinity is evident in Jung's earliest fantasies and dreams, and in his elaborate relationship with his father (a traditional pastor), his mother (who possesses a strong spiritual-mystical dimension), and the Christian church itself. Jung's notes about his childhood in his interim autobiography, Memories, Dreams, Reflections (New York: Vintage, 1963, next MDR), provide a deep personal background on early religious roots "and conflict.
Philip Zimbardo
In 2007, Philip Zimbardo suggested that people can act in an evil way as a result of collective identity. This hypothesis, based on previous experience of the Stanford prison trial, is published in The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How a Good Person Changes Crimes .
BahÃÆ'¡'ÃÆ' Faith
The BahÃÆ'¡'ÃÆ' Faith asserts that evil does not exist and that it is a concept that reflects the lack of goodness, just as cold is a state without heat, darkness is a state of no light, forgot to lack of memory, ignorance lacking knowledge. All this is a condition that is lacking and has no real existence.
So, evil does not exist and relative to man. `Abdu'l-BahÃÆ'¡, the son of the founder of religion, in Some Answered Questions states:
"But doubts occur in the mind - that is, the scorpions and the snakes are poisonous - Are they good or bad, because they are creatures? Yes, a scorpion is evil in relation to humans; snakes are evil in relation to humans; with themselves, they are not evil, because their poisons are their weapons, and with their sting they defend themselves. "
Thus, evil is more of an intellectual concept than a true reality. Because God is good, and after creating creation, he affirms it by saying it is good (Genesis 1:31) evil can not have true reality.
Ancient Egyptian Religion
Crime in Ancient Egyptian religion is known as Isfet, "chaos/violence". This is the opposite of the Maat, the "command", and is manifested by the god of the Apep snake, who routinely seeks to kill the sun god Ra and is stopped by almost every other god. Isfet is not a primordial power, but the consequence of free will and the individual struggle against non-existence embodied by Apep, as evidenced by the fact that he was born from the umbilical cord of Ra rather than recorded in the myths of the creation of religion.
- Main: Buddhist Ethics
The primal duality in Buddhism is between suffering and enlightenment, so good separation vs. evil does not have a direct analogue in it. One can, however, conclude from the Buddha's general teachings that the cause of the catalyzed suffering is what fits within this belief system with 'evil.
Practically this can refer to 1) three selfish emotions - desire, hatred and ignorance; and 2) their expression in physical and verbal actions. See ten unpleasant acts in Buddhism . In particular, evil means harming anything or hindering the cause of happiness in this life, a better rebirth, liberation from samsara, and the true and true enlightenment of a buddha (samyaksambodhi).
"What is evil? Kill is evil, lying is evil, defamatory is evil, abuse is evil, gossip is evil: envy is evil, hatred is evil, to stick to false doctrine is evil: all these things are evil. the root of evil? The desire is the root of evil, the illusion is the root of evil. "Gautama Siddhartha, founder of Buddhism, 563-483 BC.
In Hinduism, the concept of Dharma or truth clearly divides the world into good and evil, and clearly explains that war must be waged occasionally to build and protect the Dharma, this war called Dharmayuddha. This good and evil division is very important both in the Hindu epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata. However, the main emphasis in Hinduism is on bad acts, not bad people. The sacred text of the Hindus, the Bhagavad Gita, speaks of the balance between good and evil. When this balance is extinguished, the divine incarnation comes to help restore this balance.
In adherence to the core principle of spiritual evolution, the Sikh idea of ​​evil changed depending on one's position on the path to liberation. In the early stages of spiritual growth, good and evil may appear to be separate apart. However, once a person's spirit evolves to the point where he sees it very clearly, the idea of ​​evil disappears and the truth is revealed. In his writings, Master Arjan explains that, since God is the source of all things, then what we believe to be evil must also come from God. And since God is essentially a source of absolute goodness, nothing really evil can come from God.
Nevertheless, Sikhism, like many other religions, does not include the list of "ugliness" from which misery, corruption, and negativity arise. These are known as Five Thieves, who are so called because of their tendency to blur the mind and mislead someone from prosecuting right action. This is:
- Moh, or Attachment
- Lobh, or Greed
- Karodh, or Wrath
- Kaam, or Lust
- Ahankar, or Egotism
The one who surrenders to the temptations of the Five Thieves is known as "Manmukh", or someone who is selfish and without virtue. On the contrary, "Gurmukh, who grew in their admiration of divine knowledge, rose above the deputies through high-practicing Sikhism's virtues:
- Rent, or selfless service to others.
- Nam Simran, or meditation on the divine name.
There is no concept of absolute evil in Islam, as a fundamental universal principle independent of and equal to good in a dualistic sense. In Islam, it is considered important to believe that everything comes from God, whether it is considered good or bad by the individual; and things that are perceived as bad or bad are natural events (natural disasters or illnesses) or caused by human free will. More beings' behavior with free will, then they do not obey the commands of God, harm others or put themselves above God or others, is considered evil.
A typical understanding of evil is reflected from the founder of Asharism Al-Ash`ari. Thus, the qualification of something as a crime depends on the circumstances of the observer. An event or an act itself is neutral, but it accepts a qualification by God. Since God is omnipotent and nothing can exist beyond the power of God, God's will determines whether something is evil or not.
According to Ahmadiyya's understanding of Islam, evil has no positive existence in itself and is only a lack of good, just as darkness is the result of a lack of light.
In Judaism, evil is not real, it is not part of God's creation, but arises through the bad acts of man. Humans are responsible for their choices. However, Jews and Gentiles have a free will to choose good (live in olam haba) or bad (death in heaven). (Deuteronomy 28:20) Judaism emphasizes obedience to the 613 commandments of God from the Written Torah (see also Tanakh) and the collective body of Jewish religious law described in the Oral Torah and Shulchan Aruch (see also Misnah and Talmud). In Judaism, there is no prejudice in a person being good or evil at birth, because full responsibility comes with the Bar and Bat Mitzvah, when the Jewish boy becomes 13, and the daughter becomes 12 years old.
Evil according to the Christian worldview is an action, thought, or attitude that is contrary to God's character or will. This is demonstrated through the laws given in the Old and New Testaments. There is no moral action given in the Bible that is contrary to God's character or God's will. Therefore, evil in the Christian worldview is contrasted with and contrary to God's character or God's will. This evil manifests itself through the deviation from the character or the will of God.
Christian theology drew its evil concepts from the Old and New Testaments. The Christian Bible trains "the dominant influence over the idea of ​​God and evil in the Western world." In the Old Testament, evil is understood as contradictory to God and something incompatible or inferior like an angel leader who falls Satan In the New Testament, the Greek word poneros is used to indicate non-conformity. , while kakos is used to refer to the opposition to God in the human realm. Officially, the Catholic Church extracted its understanding of evil since the canonical age and the Dominican theologian Thomas Aquinas, who in Summa Theologica defines evil in the absence or privacy of goodness. The French-American theologian Henri Blocher describes evil, when seen as a theological concept, as "an unjustifiable reality." In common language, evil is 'something' that occurs in an experience that should not be. "
In Mormonism, mortal life is seen as a test of faith, in which one's choice is central to the Plan of Salvation. View Agency (LDS Church). Evil is what makes one not discover the nature of God. It is believed that one must choose not to be evil to return to God.
Christian Science believes that evil comes from a misunderstanding of the goodness of nature, which is understood to be inherently perfect from the right (spiritual) perspective. Misunderstanding of the reality of God leads to the wrong choice, called evil. This leads to the rejection of separate forces being the source of evil, or God as the source of evil; on the contrary, the appearance of evil is the result of a false concept of goodness. Christian scholars argue that even the most wicked man does not pursue evil for himself, but from the false point of view that he will attain some kind of good in this way.
In the early Persian religion of Zoroastrianism, the world was a battleground between the god Ahura Mazda (also called Ormazd) and the spirits of Malaya Angra Mainyu (also called Ahriman). The ultimate resolution of the struggle between good and evil should take place on the Day of Judgment, in which all living beings will be guided across the fire bridge, and the wicked will be banished forever. In Afghan belief, angels and saints are sent to help us reach the path to goodness.
The fundamental question is whether there is a universal and transcendent definition of evil, or whether the crime is determined by a person's social or cultural background. C. S. Lewis, in The Abolition of Man , states that there are certain actions that are universally considered evil, such as rape and murder. However, many instances where rape or murder are morally influenced by the social context that questions this. Until the mid-19th century, the United States - along with many other countries - practiced the form of slavery. As is often the case, those who violate moral boundaries stand to benefit from the practice. Arguably, slavery is always the same and evil objectively, but the man with the motivation for breaking will justify the action.
The Nazis, during World War II, considered the genocide acceptable, as did Hutu Interahamwe in the Rwandan genocide. However, one may point out that actual offenders may avoid calling for their genocidal action, because the objective meaning of any action that is accurately described by the word is to falsely assassinate a select group of people, which is an action that at least their victims will understand to be evil. Universalists consider crimes independent of culture, and are entirely associated with actions or intentions. Thus, while ideological leaders of Nazism and Hutu Interhamwe accept (and consider it morally) to commit genocide, the belief in genocide as essentially or is universally evil states that those who incite genocide this is actually evil. Hitler considered it a moral obligation to destroy the Jews because he saw them as the root of all German disease and violence associated with communism. Osama bin Laden felt immoral to kill all Christians and Jews because he saw Islam under attack by Western and US influence, accusing the US and Israel of forming a Crusader-Zionist alliance to destroy Islam, and considering US troops in Saudi Arabia infidels on the ground two of Islam's holiest sites. He therefore considers non-Muslims and Shi'ites of the wicked who intend to destroy the purity of Islam and are therefore perverted. Other universalists may argue that while evil is always evil, those who do so may not be entirely evil or entirely good entities. Saying that someone who has stolen a candy, for example, becomes very evil is an untenable position. However, universalists may also argue that one can choose a career that is obviously evil or a good one, and the genocidal dictatorship clearly falls on the first side.
With a diverse record of efforts to give the people of Cuba free health care and education and against the hegemony of the US in Latin America, while destroying all the opposition and destroying the Cuban economy, Fidel Castro sees himself as a Caribbean Robin Hood who is considered the US and bad capitalism, Cubans, Cuban dissidents, and other bombers see Castro as a personification of evil at the end of Cuba and Latin America's 20th history, seeing his Castroist ideology as just as cruel as any other form of communism and bashing him as the root of all the turmoil in the country develop and to lock dissidents and kill innocent people by shooting squads.
Philosophical questions
The view of evil is included in the branch of philosophy known as ethics - which in modern philosophy is incorporated into three main areas of study:
- Meta-ethics, which seeks to understand the nature of attitudes, statements, attitudes, and ethical judgments.
- Normative ethics, investigating a set of questions that arise when considering how one should act, morally.
- Applied ethics deals with the analysis of specific moral issues in private and public life.
Usefulness as a term
One school of thought that states that there are no evil people and that only action is considered to be evil. Psychologist and mediator Marshall Rosenberg claims that the root of violence is the concept of crime or crime. When we refer to someone as evil or evil, Rosenberg claims, it triggers a desire to punish or cause pain. It also makes it easy for us to turn off our feelings towards the people we are losing. He cites the use of the language in Nazi Germany as the key to how Germans can do something for other humans that they normally would not do. He connects the concept of evil with our judicial system, which seeks to create justice through punishment - punishment justice - a punitive act seen as bad or false. He contrasts this approach with what he finds in a culture where evil ideas there is no. In such a culture when someone is hurting others, they are believed to be in harmony with themselves and their community, seen as sick or ill and actions are taken to restore them to a sense of harmonious relationship with themselves and others.
Psychologist Albert Ellis agrees, in a school of psychology called Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, or REBT. He says the roots of anger, and the desire to harm someone, are almost always associated with variations of implicit or explicit philosophical beliefs about other human beings. He further claimed that without holding a variant of covert or blatant beliefs or assumptions, the tendency to use violence in many cases is less likely.
American psychiatrist M. Scott Peck on the other hand, describes the crime as militant ignorance . The original Judeo-Christian concept of sin is a process that makes a person lose the mark and does not achieve perfection. Peck argues that while most people are aware of this at least to some extent, those who are actively evil and militants reject this awareness. Peck describes evil as a kind of evil self-righteousness that results in the projection of evil against certain innocent victims (often children or others in a relatively powerless position). Peck regards the people he calls evil trying to escape and hide from their own conscience (through self-deception) and view this as very different from the absence of a clear consciousness in sociopath.
According to Peck, the bad guy:
- Consistently deceiving oneself, with a view to avoiding guilt and maintaining a self-perfection image
- Deceiving others as a consequence of their own fraud
- Psychologically projecting his crime and sin to a very specific target, scapegoating the target while treating others normally ("their insensitivity to them is selective")
- Generally hate with the pretense of love, for the purpose of self-deception like other people's scams
- Abuses political or emotional power ("imposing someone's wishes on others by overt or secret coercion")
- Maintain a high level of honor and continuity to do so
- consistent with his sins. The wicked are defined not so much by the magnitude of their sins, but by their (destructive) consistency
- Can not think from the point of view of their victim
- Has a hidden intolerance to criticism and other forms of narcissistic injuries
He also thinks certain institutions may be evil, because of his discussion of the My Lai Massacre and the coverage it attempted to illustrate. With this definition, criminal acts and state terrorism will also be considered evil.
Required crime
Martin Luther argues that there are cases where a bit of evil is a positive good. He writes, "Seek the community of your friends, drink, play, talk, and have fun." Someone must occasionally commit a sin of hatred and contempt against Satan so as not to give him the opportunity to make one thoroughly over... "
According to schools of certain political philosophies, leaders should be indifferent to good or evil, taking action only on practicality; this political approach was proposed by NiccolÃÆ'² Machiavelli, a 16th-century Florentine writer who advised politicians "... far safer to fear than to be loved."
The theory of international relations of realism and neorealism, sometimes called realpolitik advises politicians to explicitly prohibit the absolute moral and ethical considerations of international politics, and to focus on self-interest, political sustainability, and political power, which they hold to be more accurate in explaining the world they see as amoral and dangerously explicit. Political realists usually justify their perspective by claiming a higher moral obligation specifically for political leaders, where the greatest crime is seen as a failure of the state to protect themselves and their citizens. Machiavelli writes: "... there will be a property which is considered good, if followed, will cause destruction, while other traits, is considered a crime which, if done, reaches the security and prosperity of the Prince."
Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan, is a materialist and claims that evil is good. He responds to the common practice of describing sexuality or unbelief as a crime, and his claim is that when the evil word is used to describe the pleasures of nature and the instincts of men and women or skepticism that asks the mind, the so-called righteous things good.
See also
Further reading
- Baumeister, Roy F. (1999) Crime: In Violence and Human Cruelty . New York: A. W. H. Freeman/Owl Book
- Bennett, Gaymon, Hewlett, Martinez J, Peters, Ted, Russell, Robert John (2008). Evolution of Crime . GÃÆ'¶ttingen: Vandenhoeck & amp; Ruprecht. ISBN: 978-3-525-56979-5
- Katz, Fred Emil (1993) Ordinary People and Extraordinary Crime , [SUNY Press], ISBN 0-7914-1442-6;
- Katz, Fred Emil (2004) Facing Crime , [SUNY Press], ISBN 0-7914-6030-4.
- Neiman, Susan. Crime in Modern Thought - Alternative History of Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002.
- Oppenheimer, Paul (1996). Crime and Demonic: The New Theory of Terrible Behavior . New York: New York University Press. ISBNÃ, 0-8147-6193-3.
- Shermer, M. (2004). The Science of Good & amp; Crime. New York: The Time Book. ISBNÃ, 0-8050-7520-8
- Steven Mintz, John Stauffer, eds. (2007). The Crime Problem: Slavery, Freedom, and Ambiguity of American Renewal . University of Massachusetts Press. ISBN: 978-1-55849-570-8. CS1 maint: Using the parameter editor (link)
- Stapley, A. B. & amp; Elder Delbert L., Using our Free Agent . Liahona May 1975: 21
- Stark, Ryan. Rhetoric, Science, and Magic in the 17th Century England. (Washington, DC: American Catholic University Press, 2009), 115-45.
- Vetlesen, Arne Johan (2005) Evil and Human Bodies - Understanding Collective Betrayal New York: Cambridge Press University. ISBN 978-0-521-85694-2
- Wilson, William McF., and Julian N. Hartt. Teodisi Farrer . In David Hein and Edward Hugh Henderson (eds), Arrested by Crucifixion: Practical Theology of Austin Farrer . New York and London: T & amp; T Clark/Continuum, 2004. ISBNÃ, 0-567-02510-1
External links
- Evil on In Our Time
- Good and Evil in (Ultra Orthodox) Judaism
- ABC News: Seeking Crimes in Everyday Life
- Today's Psychology: Crime Indexing
- The book record an interview with Lance Morrow on Evil: An Investigation , October 19, 2003.
- "Good and Evil", a BBC Radio 4 discussion with Leszek Kolakowski and Galen Strawson ( In Our Time <1 April 1999).
- "Evil", BBC Radio 4 discussion with Jones Erwin, Stefan Mullhall, and Margaret Atkins ( In Our Time , May 3, 2001)
Source of the article : Wikipedia