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Ultimate (sport) games,Ultimate (sport) rules,Ultimate (sport ...

Ultimate , originally known as Ultimate frisbee , is a non-contact team sport played with a flying disk (frisbee). Ultimate was developed in 1968 by a group of students at Columbia High School in Maplewood, New Jersey. Although Ultimate resembles many traditional sports in its athletic requirements, it is unlike most sports because of its focus on self-mastery, even at the highest level of competition. The term frisbee, often used to describe all the flying discs in general, is a registered trademark of the Wham-O toy company, and thus the sport is not officially called "Frisbee Ultimate", although the name is still commonly used. Points are printed by passing the disk to a teammate in the opposing edge zone. Another basic rule is that the player should not take steps while holding the disc, and interception, an incomplete pass, and over the limit are turnover. Rain, wind, or sometimes other misfortune can occur for test matches with rapid turnover, which increases the pressure of playing.

From its beginnings in American counterparts in the late 1960s, the latter has refused to empower any referee with rule enforcement, instead of relying on the sportsmanship of the players and begging "Spirit of the Game" to maintain a fair game. Players call their own offenses, and refute offenses only if they really believe it does not happen. Playing without a referee is the norm for league games, but has been replaced in club competitions using "observers" or "game advisors" to assist in disputes, and professional leagues employ empowered referees.

In 2012, there are 5.1 million Ultimate players in the United States. Ultimate is played around the world in pickup games and by recreational, school, club, professional and national teams at different age levels and with open, women, and mixed divisions.

The United States won most of the world titles, but not all of them. The US team won 4 out of 5 divisions at the 2014 world championships, [2] and all divisions in the 2016 competition between the national teams [3] [4] (both grass). USA won the 2017 beach world championship, but the Russian women's team ended their previous unbeaten streak by beating USA teams in the women's final (the US team won six other divisions).

Video Ultimate (sport)

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I only remember walking once a day to graduate and jump in the air and just feel the Frisbee make it into my hands and feel the perfect synchrony and joy of the moment, and when I land I say to myself, 'This is the ultimate game. This is the ultimate game. '

Teams flying disc game using cake cans and cake pan lids are part of the Amherst College student culture for decades before plastic discs are available. A similar two-handed, soccer-based play was played at Kenyon College in Ohio starting in 1942.

From 1965 or 1966 Jared Kass and fellow Amherst disciples, Bob Fein, Richard Jacobson, Robert Marblestone, Steve Ward, Fred Hoxie, Gordon Murray, and others evolved a frisbee team game based on concepts from American soccer, basketball, and soccer. The game features several modern Ultimate basics including scoring by crossing the goal line, advancing discs with passes, not traveling with discs, and turnover on interception or incomplete passes. Jared, an instructor and dormitory advisor, taught this game to Joel Silver high school students during the summer of 1967 or 1968 at the Mount Hermon Prep school summer camp.

Joel Silver, along with fellow students Jonny Hines, Buzzy Hellring, and others, further developed Ultimate starting in 1968 at Columbia High School, Maplewood, New Jersey, USA (CHS). The first sanction game was played at CHS in 1968 between student councils and student newspaper staff. Starting the match the following year's night is played in mercury light lights in the student's designated parking lot. Initially the Ultimate frisbee player (as it was known at the time) used a "Master" disc marketed by Wham-O, based on the "Pluto Platter" design that was inspired by Fred Morrison. Hellring, Silver, and Hines developed the first and second editions of "Rules of Ultimate Frisbee". In 1970 CHS defeated Millburn High 43-10 in the first interscholastic Ultimate game. CHS, Millburn, and three other New Jersey high schools set up the first conference of the Ultimate teams started in 1971.

The first league alumni brought games to their colleges and universities. Rutgers defeated Princeton 29-27 in 1972 in the first inter-college game. The game is played exactly 103 years after the first American college football game between the first colleges by the same team on the exact same site, which has been paved as a temporary parking lot. Rutgers won both matches with the same margin.

Rutgers also won the first major frisbee tournament in 1975, hosted by Yale, with 8 participating college teams. The summer peak was introduced at the Second World Frisbee Championship at the Rose Bowl. The show was introduced on the west coast of the United States.

In 1975, pamungkas was introduced at the Canadian Open Frisbee Championships in Toronto as a showcase. The main league bout in Canada began in Toronto in 1979. The Toronto Ultimate Club is one of the last oldest leagues.

In January 1977 Wham-O introduced the world-class Frisbee "80 Mold" 165 grams. These disks quickly replaced the relatively light and fragile frisbee masters with much better stability and consistency throwing even in windy conditions. Throwing like a flick and a hammer is possible with greater control and accuracy with this stronger disk. 80 Molds were used in the Ultimate tournament even after being discontinued in 1983.

The recording, founded in the late 1970s by Jim Kenner in London, Ontario, then moved the company from Canada to its present location in Wixom, Michigan. Discraft introduced the Ultrastar 175 gram disc in 1981, with an updated mold in 1983. The disc was adopted as a standard for late during the 1980s, with Wham-O holdouts frustrated by the discontinuation of 80 prints and plastic quality issues with the discs being made. on a replacement 80e mold. Wham-O soon introduced a competing 175 gram disk, U-Max, which also experienced quality problems and was never popular widely. In 1991, Ultrastar was set as the official disk for the UPA tournament and remains widely used.

The popularity of the sport is spreading rapidly, taking over as a free-spirited alternative to traditional organized sports. In recent years, colleges have attracted more traditional athletes, increased competition and athletic levels and posed challenges to its relaxed, free-spirited roots.

In 2010, Anne Watson, a Vermont teacher and Ultimate trainer, launched a seven-year effort to make Ultimate Frisbee recognized as a full-time university sport in state high schools. Watson's efforts culminated on November 3, 2017, when the Vermont Principals Association, which oversees the state high school sports program, unanimously approved Ultimate Frisbee as a university sport that began in the spring of 2019. The agreement made Vermont the first US state to recognize Ultimate Frisbee as a university sport.

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Players association

In late December 1979, the first major national run-casting organization was established in the United States as the Main Players Association (UPA). Tom Kennedy was chosen as his first director. Prior to UPA, the event was sponsored by the International Frisbee Association (IFA), a Wham-O promotion.

UPA hosts regional tournaments and has crowned national champions every year since 1979. Glassboro State College defeated Santa Barbara Condors 19-18 at the first UPA Nationality in 1979.

In 2010, UPA was renamed USA Ultimate.

The first European Championship tournament for the national team was held in 1980 in Paris. Finland won, with England and Sweden finishing second and third. In 1981 the European Flying Disc Federation (EFDF) was formed. In 1984 the World Flying Disc Federation was formed by EFDF to become an international body for sports disks. The first World Championship tournament was held in 1983 in Gothenburg, Sweden.

The European Ultimate Federation is the governing body for Ultimate sports in Europe. Funded in 2009, it is part of the European Flying Disc Federation (EFDF) and the World Flying Disc Federation.

Canada's Main, a national governing body in Canada, was formed in 1993. The first Canadian World World Championships were held in Ottawa 1987.

In 2006, it eventually became an accredited sport BUCS at Australian and UK universities for outdoor and open outdoor events. In 2012, Robert Knight captained the Australian National Frisbee Team into the World Championship Final, creating a tactic that is now popularly referred to as the "double-double-reversed cheese array", and inspires the following great grass roots.

The WFDF is given full recognition of the IOC on 2 August 2015. This allows the possibility for organizations to receive IOC funding and become an Olympic Games.

Discover the ultimate sport: club frisbee finding more popularity ...


One point is assessed when one team captures a disc in the opposing team's final zone.

Each point begins with both teams lining up in the front of each zone's end line. A player can not run with a disk - it can be moved just by passing. Defender throws ("pulls") the disk into a violation. The open grass rule has seven players per team, but 5-6 games is common. Scored a goal: Each time the offense finishes in the final zone of defense, a one-point scoring violation. In the end, a deliberate violation is considered fraudulent and a grave breach of the spirit of sportsmanship. Often a player is in a position where it is clearly a player's advantage to commit a foul or a foul, but the player is morally bound to obey the rules. Ultimate integrity depends on the responsibility of each player to uphold the spirit of the game, and this responsibility should not be taken lightly. The final length of the zone is shortened to 20 meters by 2017, for lectures, youth, and club series. This change allows consistency with WFDF rules used in international competition, and increases the number of field sites that can be used for ultimate.

The player holding the disc can not move, but he only needs one leg along ("axis") while stretching and kneeling with the other foot in all directions. A team can advance the disc to the opposite end of the zone with a number of operands, including one long throw to the end zone (colloquially called "huck").

If the bait is incomplete (not caught before it touches the ground), caught out of bounds, captured by defender, or thrown out of the air by defense, it is a "turn" and the opposing team immediately gains possession, playing to score in opposite directions. However, if a player jumps off the boundary, captures and then throws the disc while in the air and is technically out of bounds, the disc is still in the game and can be captured or defended by players on the field. This athletic and precision achievement is highly praised, and is nicknamed "Greatest".

Ultimate is non-contact, meaning non-incidental physical contact is not allowed. The defender can not take a disc from an offensive player who has secured a catch (this is known as a strip). Deliberate contact is a violation, with consequences depending on the circumstances and rules of the league. Non Accidental contact, such as a small collision when jumping for disk or running for it is acceptable, depending on the circumstances. Parameters such as those having "rights" for the relevant space, who gets the disk, etc. Will determine whether a violation has been committed or not. Attitudes also vary between leagues and countries.

Contact is also not allowed for defenders who mark the player offense with the disc, and he must allow him some space and can not wrap his hand around it etc.

Defending against people who own discs is a central part of defense strategy (colloquial "mark"). Defensive "marker" counts loudly up to 10 seconds, which is referred to as "stall". If the disc has not been thrown when the defender reaches 10, it is left to another team. "Stand" can only be called after the defender actually counts 10 seconds. There is only one player who survives within a 3 meter radius around the person who owns the disc unless the player is defending against another offensive player. Markers should stay one disk in diameter away from the thrower and should not wrap their hand around the thrower, or the person with the disc may call foul ("wrapper").

Ultimate is dominated by self-refereed, relying on players in the field to call their own offense and try their best to play in the rules of the game. It is assumed that the player will not knowingly violate the rules and be honest when discussing foul calls with opponents. This is called Spirit of the Game. After a call is made, the players must agree on the results, based on what they think happened and how the rules apply to the situation. If a player has been harassed in an attempt to capture, they will often gain ownership of the disk. If a player can not reach agreement on the validity of a call, the disk may be given back to the pitcher, with a replay as if before the disputed throw.

Each point starts with two teams starting in the opposite end zone. The team who scored the previous points are now in defense. The teams show their readiness by raising their hands, and the team on defense will throw the disc to another team. These throws are called "drag". When the pull is released, all players are free to leave the final zone and occupy any area in the field. Both teams should not leave the endzone before the pull is released. Thus, the defensive team must run most of the length of the field at speed to endure immediately. And a good pull is designed to hang in the air as long as possible to give the team time to get on the run.

An outside game of the rule is played with 7 << br/title = "opponent"> vs. 7, with replacement allowed between points and for injury. The game is usually played up to the 13/15/17 point limit or the 75/90/100 minute deadline. There is usually a break and a pocket allowance of a number of waiting times per team.

The WFDF regulatory field is 100 meters by 37 meters, including the end zone of every 18 meters depth. By 2016, the USA Ultimate regulatory field for all divisions has been changed to conform to WFDF with "experimental rules".

USAU Code versus WFDF

There are two sets of key rules for ultimate competition. In many cases, their applications produce similar results, but there are differences.

  1. USA Main rules: Applicable in the United States and Canada. Until 2013, the rules used in Japan are based on translation of USAU rules.
  2. WFDF Rules: Used elsewhere including in the World Championships.

The difference can be found online. The USAU rules have slowly shifted towards WFDF compatibility.

Changes to AUDL rules

American Ultimate Disc League (AUDL), the semi-professional major league with teams in the US and Canada, has its own variant of the rules, and has made several rule changes in recent years. Some of the more important ones include:

  • The field size is slightly larger
  • Shorter zone is shorter
  • In WFDF, the game is played for X pointing with two parts and a global timeout. In AUDL, the game is played in four quarters of 12.00 minutes each. The time calculated only when the disc is in the actual game, resulting in a game that lasts for more than two hours at times. The game stops at the second tally, rather than until the end of the point.
  • The ref is a non-player call
  • Stronger penalty sanctions
  • Enable double (but not triple) work
  • The kiosk count is 7 seconds instead of 10 seconds

Vera Bradley Ultimate Sport Bag - YouTube

The throw and capture technique

A player can catch a disc with one or two hands. A catch can take the ream, or simultaneously grab the top and bottom of the frisbee - in a tap/"pancake catch". Care is required with the placement of the hand while capturing with one hand on the rim of the disc, be sure to capture the exact side of the disc, according to the way the disc rotates. When a frisbee is thrown at high speed, as is often the case in most major competitive games, one side of the disc can spin out from the player's hands, and the other side can spin into their hands, which can make the catch a lot safer. For this reason, along with the desire to secure the frisbee strongly and "cleanly", the general advice is to choose two hands if possible.

The most popular throws are backhand, and forehand/flick and less often, hammer and scoober or other throws. Part of the area where skills and strategies meet is the capacity of players to plan and execute throws and passes to run faster than other teams, known as "deep threats". For example, some throwing techniques and the ability to pass disks before defense have the opportunity to reset to help increase the threat level of players or teams, and combining them with speed and coordinated games can form phalanx that are difficult for competitors to overcome.

Apart from this formal strategy, there is also freestyle practice, where players throw and capture with fewer limitations, to advance their final handling skills.

Wilson takes third Ultimate Frisbee title | Current Newspapers

Strategy and tactics


Teams can use different offensive strategies, each with a different purpose. Most of the basic strategies are attempts to create open spaces (such as paths) in areas where throwers and receivers can complete graduation. Organized teams give players a position based on their specific strengths. The designated thrower is called the designated handler and the designated receiver is called the cutter. The amount of autonomy or overlap between these positions depends on the composition of the team.

Many advanced teams develop variations on basic offenses to harness the power of certain players. Often, these offenses are meant to isolate some key players in a one-on-one situation, allowing them more freedom of movement and the ability to make the most of the drama, while others play a supporting role.

Handlers and Cutters

In most settings, there are some "handlers" positioned players around the disk, and their task is to distribute the disk forward, and provide easy acceptance options to anyone with the disk. The cutter, is a player positioned below, whose job is usually to capture discs further and forward discs through the field or scoring by catching discs in the final zone.

Vertical stack

One of the most common offensive strategies is the vertical stack. In this strategy, a number of offensive players marched between the disc and the end zone they attacked. From this position, players in the pile make cuts (a sudden sprint, usually after throwing the defender with a "fake" move the other way) into the available space, trying to open and accept the disk. The pile is generally lined up in the middle of the field, thus opening two lanes along the sidelines for cuts, although a captain sometimes calls the pile to march closer to one side, leaving open one larger cutting lane on the other. side. Variations of the vertical stack include the Side Stack, where the stack is moved to the sideline and one player is isolated in open space, and Split Stack, where players are divided between two piles, one on either side. The Side Stack is most helpful in the final zone game where your players line up on one side of the end zone and the handler calls "ISO" (isolation) using one of the player names. This then signals for the rest of the players on your team to rid themselves of that one person in order for them to receive a pass. In a vertical stack violation, one player usually plays a 'dump' role, offering a reset option installed behind the player with the disk.

Horizontal stack

Another popular offensive strategy is the horizontal pile. In the most popular form of this breach, three "handlers" line up along the width of the field with four "cutters" downfield, spaced evenly across the field. This formation encourages the cutter to attack either the space toward or away from the disk, giving each cutter access to the full width of the field and thus allowing a level of creativity more than is possible with the vertical stack. If the cutter can not open, the handler swings the side of the disc to the side to rearrange the lap count and in an attempt to get the defense out of position. Usually players will cut the discs at an angle and move away from the disc straight, creating a pattern of 'diamond' or 'pepper'.

Features, German, or isolation

Variations on horizontal stack attacks are called features, German, or isolation (or "iso" for short). In this offensive strategy, three of the cutters line up deeper than normal (this can vary from 5 meters further down to the endzone) while the remaining cutter line up closer to the handler. The nearest cutter is known as "feature", or "german". The idea behind this strategy is that it opens up space for features to cut, and at the same time allows handlers to focus all their attention on just one cutter. This maximizes the ability to give-and-go strategies between features and handlers. This is also a very good strategy if one cutter is superior to another cutter, or if they are guarded by someone slower than them. While the main focus is on handling and features, the remaining three cutters can be used if the feature can not be opened, if there is an open inner view, or for the continuation of the throw from the feature itself. Usually, however, the remaining three cutters do all they can to get out of the way of features.

Hexagon or Mexico

A more recent strategy, credited to Felix Shardlow of the Brighton Ultimate team, is called Hexagon Offense. The player is scattered in equilateral triangles, creating a Hexagon shape with one player (usually not a pitcher) in the middle. They create space for each other dynamically, aiming to keep the disk moving by taking an open pass in all directions. It maximizes the options, changes the angle of attack quickly, and hopes to create and exploit holes in the defense. While the goals are vertical and horizontal to open space for individual page throws, Hex aims to generate and maintain flow to lead to scoring chances.



One of the most basic defense principles is "strength" or "sign". The defender who flagged the thrower basically tried to force them to throw in a certain direction (to "power side" or "open side"), while making it difficult for them to throw in the opposite direction ("side break"). The Downfield defender makes it difficult for the receiving player to get free on the open side/strength, knowing the throw to the side of the break tends to be inaccurate. Space is divided in this way because it is very difficult for players to mark the disc to stop every throw, and it is very difficult for defenders downfield to cover every space.

Styles can be decided by defense before the point or when playing. The most common strength is one-way strength, either toward the "home" (where teams have bags/equipment), or "go". Other strengths are "sideline" (power toward the nearest sideline), "center" (power toward the center of the field), "upright" (power standing right in front of thrower - useful against long thrower), or "sidearm/backhand" if one wants Their opponents throw a certain throw. Another more advanced tagging technique is called the "triangle mark". This involves dragging and dropping steps to take throwing corners in a sequence that normally runs: 1) take a throws show "in" 2) shuffle to take 1 pivot "around" 3) drop step and shuffle to take 2 pivot 4) recover.


The simplest defense strategy is the man-to-one (also known as "one-to-one") defense, where every defender guards a certain offensive player, called their "mark". This defense creates a one-on-one match across the field - if any defender with their marks, the team will likely get a turn. The defenders will usually pick their mark at the beginning of the point before the pull. Often players will mark the same person throughout the game, giving them a chance to capture the strengths and weaknesses of their opponents as they play.


With a zonal defense strategy, defenders protect an area rather than a specific person. The area covered varies depending on the particular zone they play, and the position of the disk. Zone defenses are often used in adverse weather conditions, as they may repress violations to complete more baits, or pitchers to make bigger or harder throws. Defense zones are also effective for neutralizing threats of throwing in from violations. Defense zones typically have two components - (1) a number of players that remain close to the disk and attempt to withstand the infringement ability to pass and move forward ("cup" or "wall"); and (2) the number of players that goes farther away from the disk , ready to bid above or longer throw.


The cup involves three players, arranged in a half-circular cup-shaped formation, one in the middle and back, the other two on the sides and forward. One of the side players marks the handler with strength, while the other two keep the side open. Therefore, the handler must usually throw into the cup, allowing the defenders to more easily create blocks. With a cup, the middle cup usually blocks the up-field path to the cutter, while the side cup blocks the cross-field pass swing to the other handler. The middle cup usually also has the responsibility to call which of the two sides should mark the thrower, usually the defender who is closest to the sideline field. The idea of ​​a trophy is to force the offense to make a lot of short passes in the back and around the trophy. Cups (except markers) should also be remembered to keep 3 meters or more of offensive players with discs. The only time a player in a cup can come within 3 yards of a player with a disc is when another offensive player comes within 3 meters of a person with a disc, also known as "crashing a trophy".


"Walls" are sometimes referred to as "1-3-3" involving four players in close defense. One player is a marker, also called a "rabbit", "chaser" or "vomit" because they often have to run fast between multiple handlers scattered across the field. The other three defenders form a horizontal "wall" or line across the field in front of the handler to stop the throw to the short cut and prevent further progress. The players in the second group of defense zones, called "mid" and "deeps", are positioning themselves further to stop the throws that escaped the trophies and flew up. The 1-3-3 variation is having two markers: The "rabbit" mark is in the middle third and attacks the third side of the field. The goal is to "bunny" to trap the thrower and drop the cup around it. If the rabbit is damaged for large horizontal foliage, or if the disc reaches the third break side of the field, the side break restriction of the front wall marks the throw. In this variation the force is directed in one direction. This variation applies to the strength of the featured "rabbit".

Trash or clam

Waste defense is a defense that uses zone and human defense elements; the most famous are "shells" or "chrome walls". In defense of shells, defenders cover the cut paths rather than field zones or individual players. So named because, when played against a vertical pile, it is often disguised by marching in a traditional people's defense and just before the game begins, the defender spreads to their zonal position, forming an opening shell shape. Shells can be used by several players on the team while the rest run the men's defense. Typically, some defensive players play with the throwers while the cutter defenders play as "flat", taking cuts by keeping their individual areas, or as "deep" or "monsters", taking every throw in.

This defense strategy is often referred to as "bait and change". In this case, when two blocked players are standing close together in a pile, one defender will move into their deep shade, and the other will move slightly more towards the thrower. When one receiver makes deep cuts, the first defender picks it up, and if one is in-cut, the second defender will protect them. Human rights defenders communicate and change their marks if their individual costs turn their wounds from within, or vice versa. Shells can also be used by the entire team, with different defenders covering pieces, deep cuts, side pieces, and trash pieces.

The term "junk defense" is also often used to refer to the defense of zones in general (or for defense of zones applied by the surviving team, before switching to male defense), especially by members of the attack team before they determine which is appropriate. the type of defense zone they face.

Hexagon or flexagon

A separate defense type is a hexagon or "flexagon", which combines human-to-human and zonal defense elements. All defenders are encouraged to communicate, pinch their opponents and change alerts if necessary, and make sure no unmarked players are not marked.

The Ultimate Sport - YouTube

Game spirit

All young players and most major games are unveiled through "game spirit", often abbreviated as SOTG. The spirit of the game is explained by the WFDF as the hope that every player will be a good sport and play fair, including "follow and enforce the rules". SOTG is subsequently contextualized and described in the rules set by USA Ultimate; according to the Ultimate Official Rules , Issue 11:

Ultimate has traditionally relied on a spirit of sportsmanship that places responsibility for fair play on players. Extremely competitive play is encouraged, but never sacrifices a bond of mutual respect between players, compliance with agreed rules of play, or basic play pleasure. Protection of these vital elements serves to eliminate the bad behavior of the last terrain. Actions such as mocking opposing players, malicious aggression, intentional abuse, or other "win-at-all-cost" behavior are against the spirit of the game and should be avoided by all players.

Many tournaments give awards to the team and/or the most passionate players, often based on the ratings given by the opposing team. The biggest tournament of the world's largest youth, Spring Reign, uses a spirit score to give spirit gifts in each pool and to determine the eligibility of the team the following year. In many non-professional games, it is common for teams to meet after the game in the "spirit circle" to discuss the game, and in some cases rewarding the spirit of the individual.

While "game spirit" is a general attitude, the latter has an agreed procedure for dealing with unclear or contested situations.

In Europe and other continents, even top-level games do not have a referee. Several world championship games have no referees, and disputes are decided by the players themselves.

"Observers" are used in some high-level tournaments outside the US, as well as in some tournaments approved by USA Ultimate. Calls and disputes are initially handled by players, but observers enter if no agreement is reached. In some settings, officials use a stopwatch to track the number of kiosks and the defender does not count the kiosks.

Other forms of arbitration exist in the end. Major professionals in North America use referees, in part to improve game speed. Game Advisors are used in several international competitions, although final calls and decisions keep control of players in the field.

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Common types of competition are:

  • Tournament cap - random player allocation, mixed level, and amateur
  • Club league - usually considered semi-professional
  • The ultimate pro - usually refers to the full league played by the American Ultimate Disc League (span role = "note">) during the regular season between April and August, with the championship week for the title
  • College team
  • National teams compete in international tournaments

Professional League - AUDL

North America has an American Ultimate Disc League (AUDL), a professional-level final league involving teams from the United States and Canada.

AUDL was founded by Josh Moore and its inaugural season begins in April 2012. In 2013 the league was purchased by Ultimate Xperience Ventures LLC, a company founded by Rob Lloyd who served as Cisco VP but has since become CEO of Hyperloop. In 2012 the league starts with eight teams, but currently consists of 26 teams in four divisions (East, South, Midwest, and West). Since their first league season, they have added 24 new teams and have 10 folding teams. Only three of the original eight teams remain in the league (Cincinnati Revolution, Detroit Mechanix, and Indianapolis Alleycats). Each team plays a total of 14 regular-season games on Friday, Saturday or Sunday during April to July. At the end of July there is a playoff in each division followed by a championship weekend held on the first weekend in August. AUDL uses Discraft Ultrastar as the official game disk. Team funding comes from sources similar to other professional sports: ticket sales, merchandise, concessions and sponsorships. In 2014, the league signed an agreement with ESPN to broadcast 18 games per season for a 2 year period (with 3rd year option) on the ESPN3 online streaming service. The contract was executed by Fulcrum Media Group.

There used to be a rival league called Major League Ultimate (MLU). Active between 2013 and 2016, it has eight teams, and is considered a major alternative to AUDL, until it is closed.

In 2018, there is a mixed league planned called United Ultimate League (UUL), but it fails because of a lack of interest. The plan is to present an alternative to AUDL, which at the time was dealing with boycotts related to gender equality. UUL should be supported by sourced funding sources, but early Kickstarter failed, generating only $ 23,517 out of a $ 50,000 goal.

North American League

The rules of play, sanctions in the United States by the United States Ultimate, take place on campus (open and women's divisions), clubs (open, women, mixed [male in each team], lord, and division grandmaster) and youth level division of men and women), with annual championships in all divisions. The top teams of the championship series compete in the semi-annual world championships organized by the WFDF (alternating between the Club Championships and the National Championships), which comprise national disc organizations and federations from around 50 countries.

Ultimate Canada (UC) is the governing body for Canada's most recent sport. Beginning in 1993, the goals of UC include representing the interests of sports and all major players, as well as promoting its growth and development across Canada. UC also facilitates open and sustainable communication within the highest community and within the sports community and to organize ongoing activities for sports including national competitions and educational programs.

Founded in 1986, founded in 1993, the Ottawa-Carleton Ultimate Association based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, claims to have the world's largest summer league with 354 teams and more than 5000 players in 2004.

The Vancouver Ultimate League, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, formed in 1986, claims to have 5300 active members by 2017.

The Toronto Ultimate Club, founded in 1979 by Ken Westerfield and Chris Lowcock, based in Toronto Canada, has 3300 members and 250 teams, playing throughout the year.

The organization of Los Angeles Main Team places an annual tournament with thousands of players.

There are a small number of children's leagues. The largest and first known pre-school league was started in 1993 by Mary Lowry, Joe Bisignano, and Jeff Jorgenson in Seattle, Washington. In 2005, the DiscNW School Spring League had over 450 players in 30 mixed teams. The high school leagues are also commonplace. The biggest is the DiscNW High School Spring League. It has a mixed and single gender division with a total of over 30 teams. The largest adult league is the San Francisco Ultimate League, with 350 teams and more than 4000 active members in 2005, located in San Francisco, California. Per capita is the largest association of Madison Ultimate Frisbee, with an estimated 1.8% of Madison's population, WI playing in an active league. Back in 1977, the Ultimate Disc League ( in Mercer County (New Jersey) is the world's oldest recreational league. There's even a big league with kids as young as third graders, for example the junior league final division of SULA in Amherst, Massachusetts.

Other countries have regional and state competitions respectively, which are not listed here.

College team

There are over 12,000 student athletes playing at over 700 college teams in North America, and the number of teams is growing.

Ultimate Canada operates a major competition for the best university teams in Canada: the Canadian University Ultimate Championships (CUUC) with six regional qualifying events, one of which is the Canadian Eastern University Ultimate Championships (CEUUC).

National team

There are also national teams participating in international tournaments, both field and beach formats.

Annual national competition or twice a year is held. [5]

In the US and other countries, the national team is selected after a difficult trial process.

The WFDF maintains an international ranking list for the national team

Tournament cap

Common cap tournaments on the ultimate circuit. In this tournament players join individually rather than as a team. The tournament organizers form teams by taking the participants name randomly from the hat. This kind of procedure is the best way to meet people of all skill levels.

Many tournament hats on the west coast of the US have a "rule hat" that requires all players to wear hats at all times during play. If a player controls the disc, but loses his hat in the process, the game is considered to be a rotation and disk ownership back to another team.

However, in some tournaments, the organizers do not actually use hats, but form teams while considering the skills, experience, gender, age, height, and fitness level of players in an effort to form a team that even has strength. Many times the random elements remain, so the organizers randomly select players from each level for each team, combining the lottery with a skill match. Typically, the player gives this information when he signs up to enter the tournament. There are also many cities that run league caps, structured like tournament hats, but where group players stay together for a season.

The IOC recognizes Ultimate frisbee as a sport â€

General concepts and terms

A player extends his body horizontally toward the disc, ending by lying on the ground normally. This can happen offensively to capture the distant or low disks, or survive to hit the discs and force the cycles.
The defender captures the disk at the far end endzone when defending. This results in a direct score for the defending team (similar to an own goal in another sport), because this endzone is their final zone to enter.
Get a defense or a turnaround.
A player jumps out of bounds for the disk, and while in the air throws back the disc to be captured inside the game field.
To take the disc in the air above the opponent.
To throw a disk remotely.
To throw the disk to the ground by force after printing; borrowed from American football.

Other terms are borrowed from soccer with the same meaning, including goals , help , and settlement passes .


To throw the disc out of bounds on the pull that gives the position of the other team's field on their goal line


For both cause turnover and score points

UW Ultimate Frisbee Team makes nationals | Local Sports |

See also

Competition and League:

  • American Ultimate Disc League
  • Major League Ultimate
  • USA Ultimate
  • World Flying Disc Federation
  • List of Ultimate teams
  • US. champion Ultimate intercollegiate
  • Primary Canada
  • Ultimate in Japan
  • Coastal Lovers Association
  • Deutscher Frisbeesport-Verband

Game disc and more:

  • Golf disc
  • Disk throws
  • Fly disks
  • Flying disc freestyle
  • Flying disc game
  • Goaltimate


  • Ken Westerfield
  • Ultimate glossary
  • Currier Island, a fictional country that competes in national beach events
  • Early Frisbee Sport History
  • Ultimate History and Golf Discs

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Q&A: Madison ultimate star Robyn Wiseman leading a discussion ...

External links

  • Official World Flying Disc Federation website
  • American Ultimate Disc League website

Source of the article : Wikipedia
